Saturday, January 14, 2017

Stock Options Dcf

15 h 14 Archer-Daniels acquiert les termes de Crosswind Industries non divulgués (ADM): Crosswind Industries est un producteur de produits semi-secs, semi-secs et semi - Co prévoit de conclure l'opération dans les prochaines semaines. 2:39 pm Apogee Enterpr augmente le dividende trimestriel à 0.14share de 0.125share (APOG). 2:04 pm Boeing et Jeju Air a annoncé aujourd'hui une commande pour trois 737-800 Next-Generation L'ordre, évalué à près de 300 millions (BA). L'ordre, évalué à près de 300 millions aux prix actuels de liste, deviendra les premières compagnies aériennes achetés directement des avions de Boeing et de carburant de l'expansion des compagnies aériennes continue dans Asias marché du voyage aérien en croissance rapide. L'ordre a été précédemment attribué à un client non identifié sur le site Boeings Orders amp livings. 1:18 pm Calendrier des gains pour le mardi 10 janvier (: SUMRX). Aujourd'hui, après la recherche rapprochée pour les entreprises suivantes à signaler: SNX, LMNRTomorrow avant la recherche ouverte pour les entreprises suivantes à signaler: SVU, MSM 1:12 pm General Motors à la Deutsche Bank conférence dit qu'il voit EPS FY16 à haut de la fin de l'orientation précédente La fourchette estime que l'EPS pour l'exercice 2012 au-dessus des attentes approuve un supplément de 5 milliards de dollars (STOCK REPARCHASE). Co émet des lignes directrices en ligne pour FY16 (Déc), voit EPS de haut de gamme de 5,50-6,00 vs 6,0 Capital IQ consensus Estimation. Le conseil d'administration de GM a approuvé 5 milliards de dollars supplémentaires en rachats d'actions ordinaires dans le cadre de son programme de rachat d'actions existant , Qui a été annoncé le 9 mars 2015. La nouvelle autorisation, qui n'a aucune date d'expiration, porte le total dans le cadre du programme à 14 milliards. GM a également annoncé une augmentation de 1 milliard à son objectif de rentabilité, le portant à 6,5 milliards jusqu'en 2018, Dont environ 4,0 milliards ont déjà été atteints jusqu'en 2016. L'estimation accrue est basée sur les économies supplémentaires prévues dans les coûts de matériel, de logistique, de fabrication et d'administration générale 1:07 pm Sommaire du marché de midi: Les moyennes principales sont stables, juste en-dessous des hauts de session (: WRAPX ): Les principales moyennes se situent juste en dessous de leurs sommets de session tôt cet après-midi. Le SampP 500 est en hausse de 0,3, tandis que le Nasdaq (0,5) reste en avance sur ses pairs. Le marché boursier a commencé la journée de négociation légèrement plus faible après de nombreux détaillants et restaurants a publié des directives décevantes. Cependant, les inquiétudes ont été haussées par le marché, comme en témoigne la hausse de 1,5 dans le SPDR Spread 500 Retail ETF (XRT 44,46, 0,66). Le secteur de la consommation discrétionnaire est également plus élevé, en ajoutant 0,6. Juste devant l'espace discrétionnaire de consommation est le secteur financier (0.9), qui en tête du classement d'aujourd'hui. Les soins de santé et les industriels suivent de près, tous deux près de 0,7. Le secteur industriel a été aidé par une hausse dans des compagnies aériennes après Alaska Air (ALK 92.33, 4.86) a rapporté des données de trafic de décembre meilleures que prévu. Alaska Air est plus haut de 5,5 tandis que Delta Air Lines (DAL 51.16, 1.46), Southwest Airlines (LUV 51.59, 1.29), American Airlines (AAL 48.02, 0.95) et United Continental (UAL 73.42, 2.15) 3.0. Le plus large Dow Jones Transportation Average trades plus haut de 1.1. Le secteur de la technologie de pointe (0,2) est un peu en retrait sur le marché, mais les fabricants de puces affichent une force relative. L'indice PHLX Semiconductor (0,4) a légèrement surperformé, mais le secteur plus large a été freiné par des performances médiocres de poids lourds comme Apple (AAPL 119,12, 0,12) et Facebook (FB 62,82, 0,18). L'immobilier est incontesté au bas du classement d'aujourd'hui, avec une perte 1.0. Les secteurs contracycliques pairs - agrafes et utilitaires de consommation - sont plus proches de leurs lignes plates, mais sont toujours en baisse de 0,3 et 0,2, respectivement. Les trois secteurs et l'énergie sont les seuls espaces en territoire négatif pour l'année. L'énergie (unch) s'est accrochée à sa ligne plane dans une tentative de surmonter les pétroles bruts 1,0 downtick. Le commerce des matières premières près de sa session faible à 51.43bbl. Pour mettre plus de pression sur la composante énergétique, l'indice du dollar américain (102,06, 0,14) a atteint un territoire positif dans l'action récente après avoir passé la matinée dans le rouge. Les gains proviennent de la faiblesse relative de l'euro (1,0557). Les bons du Trésor sont peu modifiés avec le rendement de 10 ans en hausse d'un point de base à 2,38. Examen des données économiques d'aujourd'hui: Les stocks de gros en novembre ont augmenté de 1,0, ce qui était supérieur au consensus de 0,9. La lecture des mois précédents a été révisée à -0,1 de -0,4. Les perspectives d'emploi de novembre et l'Enquête sur le roulement du travail ont montré que les offres d'emploi ont diminué à 5,198 millions contre 5,451 millions (contre 5,534 millions) en octobre. Pour en savoir plus sur ces communiqués économiques, n'oubliez pas de visiter Briefings calendar économique 13h03. A récemment élargi son pipeline de produits lors de la 9e CONFÉRENCE ANNUELLE BIOTECH SHOWCASE (TNXP). Co a déclaré: «Nous sommes prêts pour commencer, au premier trimestre de 2017, l'étude HONOR de la phase 3 de TNX-102 SL pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique lié à l'armée (: PTSD). Nous sommes confiants que nous pouvons signaler notre premier résultat global au quatrième trimestre de 2017.jusqu'à 13h06 Pfizer annonce un accord de collaboration de recherche avec les modalités financières de l'INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE de ScrippS NON DÉCLARÉES (PFE). Aux termes de la collaboration, Pfizer paiera des frais d'accès à la technologie et aura ainsi accès à une technologie innovante de synthèse chimique développée par TSRI. Membres du département de chimie TSRI-Professeurs Phil Baran, Ph. D. Dale Boger, Ph. D. Jin-Quan Yu, Ph. D. K. Barry Sharpless, Ph. D. Et d'autres - travailleront aux côtés des scientifiques de Pfizer pour adapter ces méthodes chimiques à la création de DEL, qui exigent des procédés rigoureux qui sont tolérants à l'épine dorsale de l'ADN délicat. TSRI et Pfizer peuvent choisir d'élargir la portée de la recherche conjointe afin d'inclure d'autres technologies pertinentes pour permettre la découverte de médicaments basés sur DEL. Les modalités financières de l'accord ne sont pas divulguées. 1:01 pm Réseau-1 annonce USPTO délivrance de brevets liés à ses demandes de portefeuille Cox dans le brevet nouvellement délivré sont généralement dirigés vers les systèmes d'identification des contenus et des actions en conséquence à la suite (NIPPI). 12:21 Novadaq Tech. LifeNet Healths La matrice cutanée acellulaire Dermacell a démontré des améliorations statistiquement significatives par rapport à AlloDerm prêt à l'emploi selon les résultats d'une étude publiée par le JOURNAL PLASTIC et la CHIRURGIE RECONSTRUCTIVE (NVDQ): L'étude rétrospective, quotComparison of Different Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) Dans Reconstruction mammaire: The 5050 Study1, quot comparait les résultats cliniques entre Dermacell et AlloDerm RTU dans la reconstruction mammaire - la plus récente étude empirique pour comparer directement les deux greffes. Cinquante-huit patients ont subi des procédures de reconstruction en utilisant Dermacell (30 patients, 50 seins) ou AlloDerm RTU (28 patients, 50 seins). Le même chirurgien a effectué toutes les reconstructions. Les différences dans l'âge moyen des patients, l'indice de masse corporelle, le pourcentage de patients ayant une chimiothérapie adjuvantadjuvante ou l'irradiation mammaire et le nombre de mastectomies thérapeutiques et prophylactiques entre les deux groupes de patients n'ont pas été statistiquement significatifs. Les complications dans les deux groupes ont été enregistrées pendant 90 jours après la reconstruction. Les auteurs rapportent que, comparativement au groupe AlloDerm, les patients du groupe Dermacell ont montré une amélioration statistiquement significative de l'incidence du syndrome du sein rouge - avec zéro cas signalé chez les receveurs Dermacell comparativement à 13 pour le RTU AlloDerm - 15,8 jours contre 20,6). De plus, les auteurs n'ont noté aucune différence significative en termes de séroma, d'hématome, de cicatrisation retardée, d'infection, de nécrose par clapot et d'explication. Dermacell est traitée par LifeNet Health et diffusée par NOVADAQ Technologies 12:14 pm Discussion au sol: Résilience (: TALKX): Un début de tentative a évolué vers une avance plus ferme, guidée par un leadership décent sur les marchés financiers (0,9), industriel (0,7), la consommation discrétionnaire (0,7) et les soins de santé (0,6). Dans l'ensemble, cependant, c'est la résilience des marchés aux efforts de vente qui continue d'agir comme facteur de base dans les efforts d'achat. La performance du Russell 2000 (1,0), qui a sous-performé lundi avec un déclin de 0,7 La force relative du secteur de la consommation discrétionnaire, malgré une vague d'avertissements salesearnings d'un certain nombre de détaillants spécialisésLe SPDR SampP Retail ETF (XRT 44,44, 0,62, 1,4) est surperformantLa force relative des transports, qui ont été à la traîne au début de 2017DJTA est en hausse de 1,2 après l'entrée de négociation d'aujourd'hui en baisse de 0,2 en 2017Upside leadership des financières face à un downgrade Citigroup de Goldman Sachs 242.24, -0.65, -0.3) à Vendre de Neutral et un Goldman Sachs downgrade de Voyageurs (TRV 117.58, 0.26, 0.2) à Vendre de Neutral. Bank of America (BAC 22.96, 0.41, 1.8), JPMorgan Chase (JPM 86.56, 0.38, 0.4) et Wells Fargo (WFC 54.99, 0.75, 1.4) sont également tous les plus élevés en face de leurs rapports de bénéfices ce vendrediLe secteur de l'énergie (0.1) se tient en dépit d'une autre baisse des prix du brut (-0.9 à 51.50bbl) Facteur de résilience continue de nourrir la peur de manquer sur de nouveaux gains. Un certain nombre de participants s'attendaient vraisemblablement à une baisse supplémentaire sur les talons de la sortie négative des lundis pour le marché plus large, mais lorsque le suivi n'a pas réussi à se matérialiser à un degré élevé, il a créé une certaine action squeezing qui a contribué à pousser les principaux indices plus élevé Plus loin dans le territoire record dans le cas du Nasdaq). 11h58 Clôture des marchés européens (: SUMRX). Les prix Les marchés européens sont maintenant des marchés boursiers fermés en Europe comme suit: Royaume-Uni FTSE: 0,5 Allemand DAX: 0,2 Frances CAC: 0,0 Espagnols IBEX: -0,4 Portugals PSI: -1,3 Italys MIB Index: 0,3 Irish Ovrl Index: 0,3 Grèce ASE Index général : 0.2 11:41 am Métaux de base, compagnies aériennes, argent, rETAIL, HOMEBUILDERS, BANQUES ET TRANSPORTS LEADING LE MARCHÉ LE PLUS HAUT AVEC REITS, ÉNERGIE ET ​​STAPLES LAGGING VS. SPY 0,3 (SPY). XME 3.24 JETS 2.20 SLV 1.85 XRT 1,22 KRE 1,16 ITB 1,19 KBE 1,15 IYT 1,10 IWM 1,04 HACK 1,13XLRE -0,95 OIH -0,55 AIF -0,53 USO -0,53 XLP -0,36 11h41 Titan Intl déposera un dossier d'audience après janvier 11 EN RAPPORT AVEC SA AUDIENCE DE BLESSURE AVANT QUE L 'ITC RESTE OPTIMISTE QUE L' ITC PUBLIE UNE DETERMINATION AFFIRMATIVE DEFINITIVE DANS CES AFFAIRES (TWI). 11:08 AM TENNECO FOURNIT DES TECHNIQUES D'AIR PROPRE SUR LA NOUVELLE FAMILLE DE MOTEURS NRM (DENIF) DE DAIMLER (DDAIF). 10:37 am Les déménageurs notables d'intérêt: ILMN 15 comme co confirme l'introduction de la série de NovaSeq (SCANX): Voici quelques-uns des plus remarquables déménageurs d'intérêt, catégorisés par la capitalisation boursière (grande capitalisation plus de 10 milliards et moyenne capitalisation entre 2 -10 milliards) et classés par changement (tous les stocks de plus de 100K volume quotidien moyen). ILMN (162.85 15.06): confirme l'introduction de la série NovaSeq, une architecture de séquençage nouvelle et évolutive qui devrait permettre à un génome de 100 géniteurs Illumina et Bio-Rad Laboratories de lancer la solution de séquençage à cellules uniques Illumina Bio-Rad. (410,04 3,79): Les actions se négocient plus haut en dépit de l'avertissement sur le bénéfice puisque les ventes se sont améliorées au-dessus des comps plus faciles. Les grands perdants de chapeau WMB (28,9 -9,49) : Prix 65 mln actions ordinaires à 29.00share. MCO (94,49 -2,45): déclassé à neutre à partir de l'achat chez UBS. Mid Cap Gainers VRX (16.78 9.33): Diverte ses marques CeraVe, AcneFree et AMBI Skincare à LOreal (LRLCY) pour 1,3 milliard de dollars pour céder Dendreon pour 819,9 mln. MDRX (11.73 8.81): Réaffirme les orientations du quatrième trimestre et fournit des perspectives initiales pour 2017. W (40.96 7.65): Lors de la conférence ICR a déclaré la période de vacances global était assez forte pense qu'il est proche d'être des flux de trésorerie positif positif sur une base durable. Mid Cap Losers KITE (49,73 -4,35): Entre dans un partenariat stratégique avec Daiichi Sankyo Co pour axicabtagène ciloleucel. ENDP (15.77 -3.9): La FDA organise une réunion du comité consultatif pour discuter des questions de sécurité de la nouvelle demande de médicaments pour les comprimés à libération prolongée d'OPANA ER (OXYMORPHONE HYDROCHLORIDE). 10:02 AM ALLIANCE MMA ACQUIER SUCKERPUNCH ENTERTAINMENT DÉTAILS FINANCIERS NON DÉCLARÉ (AMMA). 9:47 am Résumé du marché d'ouverture: Moyennes majeures Open Flat (: WRAPX): Les principales moyennes ont commencé le jour de bourse près de leurs lignes plates avec le SampP 500 inférieur de 0,1. Le secteur des soins de santé (0,3) est à l'avant, tandis que les autres groupes non cycliques sont sous-performants. Les biens immobiliers, les services de télécommunications, les services publics et les biens de consommation de base sont tous en baisse entre 0,3 et 0,7. Côté cyclique, cinq des six secteurs sont en territoire positif. Énergie (-0,3) mâle la tendance malgré un modeste gain de 0,2 dans le pétrole brut. WTI brute traite à 52.06bbl. Les bons du Trésor sont revenus à leur ligne plate après la pression de vente. LE RENDEMENT DE 10 ANS EST UNCHANGED À 2.37. 9:38 AM BIOCEPT ANNONCE QU'IL A SÉCURISÉ UN CONTRAT DE PRESTATAIRE DE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXAS NON DÉCLARÉ (BIOC). QuotPartage avec les assureurs de santé est un axe majeur de notre stratégie d'affaires, car il peut augmenter l'accès des médecins à cette technologie non invasive pour leurs patients et de fournir en temps opportun l'arbitrage des réclamations pour les patients. La sécurisation de cet accord en réseau est une étape importante pour Biocept, car le Texas est l'un de nos plus grands marchés et BCBSTX est le plus important fournisseur dans cet état. Grâce à cet accord, le nombre de patients ayant accès à nos tests dans le réseau a atteint environ 185 millions, et certains membres ont eu accès par l'intermédiaire de plusieurs plans. quot 9h29 Sur les fils (WIRES). Xplore Technologies Corp. (XPLR) a annoncé qu'elle s'était associée à CLS America pour lancer le Thorium X, un premier système de tableaux de communications par satellite construit sur le Tablet PC robuste Xplore XSLATE D10. Xplore a reçu une commande initiale du client OEM CLS pour 1 000 unités XSLATE D10 et est prête à exécuter les commandes de suivi au besoin au cours des trois prochaines années pour soutenir la production et les ventes croissantes du système CLS selon les exigences de la demande des utilisateurs finaux. TapImmune, Inc. (TPIV) a annoncé l'ouverture de sa phase 2 de l'entreprise parrainée étude du cancer de l'ovaire dans le platine sensible aux patients atteints de cancer de l'ovaire. Les trois premiers sites cliniques de l'entreprise ont reçu l'approbation de la Commission de réglementation des enquêtes (IRB) pour commencer l'inscription. Deposco a annoncé un partenariat qui permet aux détaillants d'aller au-delà des contraintes des solutions de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de l'héritage et de rationaliser l'accomplissement de la vente au détail numérique. L'étude utilisera la TPIV 200, une thérapie à cellules T ciblant la protéine alpha du récepteur folate. Ensemble, les entreprises offrent de nouvelles capacités, les détaillants doivent répondre à des exigences élevées de magasinage, tels que le navire de magasin et ACHETER EN LIGNE, PICK UP IN STORE TERMES NON DÉCLARÉES. TYLER TECHNOLOGIES (TYL) ANNONCE UN ACCORD AVEC LE MONROE COUNTY CONTROL CENTER EN PENNSYLVANIA TYLERS NOUVELLE solution de dépistage de la sécurité publique mondiale (CAD). L'accord comprend l'implémentation de logiciels, la formation, la conversion de fichiers de données et la maintenance 247 CAO d'urgence. 09h28 Simpson Manufacturing acquiert CG Visions pour un maximum de 21,5 mln (SSD). Le co a annoncé qu'il a récemment acquis CG Visions, Inc une société américaine fournissant BIM (Building Information Modeling) la technologie, les services et la consultation à l'industrie du bâtiment résidentiel. L'acquisition stratégique devrait permettre à Simpson Strong-Tie d'approfondir ses partenariats avec les meilleurs constructeurs du pays en proposant des solutions logicielles BIM évolutives et flexibles pour aider les constructeurs à contrôler les coûts et à accroître l'efficacité à tous les stades du processus de construction résidentielle. La société a complété l'acquisition pour environ 21,5 MILLIONS D'EUROS, Y COMPRIS UN REMBOURSEMENT DE 2,15 MILLIONS DE DOLLARS ASSOCIÉS À DES OBJECTIFS DE VENTE, SOUS RESERVE DE DISPOSITIONS DE RETRAITE SPÉCIFIÉES ET D'AJUSTEMENTS POST-CLÔTURE. 9:24 AM CENTERSTATE BANKS OF FLORIDA ANNONCE LE PRIX DE SON OFFRE COMMERCIALE DE 2,45 MLN (CSFL). Co a annoncé qu'elle a vendu 2 450 000 actions de ses actions ordinaires à Keefe, Bruyette ampères Woods, A Stifel Company, et Raymond James AsSOCIATES amp, en tant que souscripteurs pour son offre publique précédemment annoncée. CENTERSTATE S'ENTENDE À UTILISER LE PRODUIT NET DE CETTE OFFRE À DES FINS GÉNÉRALES GÉNÉRALES. 9:19 AM JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC ACCROIT UN ACCORD-CADRE MULTI-MILLIONS DE DOLLARS AVEC SAUDI ARAMCO (WDGJF). Co a obtenu un accord-cadre de cinq ans et plusieurs millions de dollars pour continuer à fournir des services d'ingénierie et de gestion de projets aux programmes de capital de SaudiAramcos sur terre au Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite. Effective immédiatement, le contrat inclut également trois options d'extension d'un an et sera délié LOCALEMENT EN ARABIE SAOUDITE. PREMIÈRE REMIS EN 2010, LE SERVICE DE GÉNIE GÉNÉRAL PLUS L'EXTENSION DU CONTRAT SERA BESUPPORTÉE PAR LE BUREAU DES GROUPES DE BOIS À AL KHOBAR. 9:15 AM GENIE ENERGY ANNONCE QU'IL ESTABLIT UN PERFORANT ATID, UNE VENTURE DE SERVICES DE FORAGE SUR BORD BASEE EN ISRAEL (GNE). Atid poursuivra des occasions de forage pour des clients dans une variété de domaines, y compris l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le développement des ressources en eau et l'exploration minière. Atid a exécuté un MOU contraignant pour l'achat d'une plate-forme de forage et de l'équipement de forage associé. Le forage a foré cinq puits pétroliers et gaziers exploratoires dans les hauteurs du Golan au cours des deux dernières années et a récemment complété un puits d'eau qui est conçu pour aider les agriculteurs du Golan qui font face à une sécheresse prolongée. Atid anticipe un partenariat avec les services internationaux de forage Des experts, dont Rainmaker, un partenariat de fournisseurs de services de forage pétroliers et gaziers nord-américains basés dans l'ouest du Canada. Atid devrait spud sa fIRST EXPLORATION BIEN EN début mars pour AFEK HUILE ET GAZ, LE GENIE ENERGY SUBSIDIARY qui conduit un pétrole et de gaz PROGRAMME EXPLORATOIRE DANS LES HAUTEURS DE GOLAN. 9:13 AM EUROSAAS ANNONCE QU'IL A EFFECTUÉ LA LIVRAISON DE L'ACQUISITION ANTERIEUREMENT FAITE DE MV TASOS, UN TRANSPORTEUR DRYBULK DE 75,100 DWT PANAMAX (ESEA). 9:13 am Futures SampP vs juste valeur: 0,80. Nasdaq futures vs juste valeur: 0,40. (: WRAPX): Le marché boursier est sur la bonne voie pour une ouverture plate que les futures SampP 500 négocier un point au-dessus de la juste valeur. Dans le commerce avant commercialisation, Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 412,00, 16,94) est plus élevé de 4,3 malgré l'émission de conseils baissiers. Illumina (ILMN 161.53, 19.99) est également en train de s'accélérer, augmentant de 14,1 après avoir émis des recommandations sur le consensus pour le quatrième trimestre. À l'inverse, Williams Companies (WMB 28,62, -3,28) a chuté de 10,3 après la tarification d'une offre secondaire. En outre, le stock a été déclassé à Hold from Buy chez Jefferies. Après un début de semaine optimiste, les Treasuries américains subissent de modestes pressions de vente ce matin. Le rendement de 10 ans est plus élevé de deux points de base à 2,39. Les données économiques d'aujourd'hui seront limitées aux ouvertures d'emploi de novembre (: JOLTS) et aux inventaires de gros en novembre (Briefing consensus 0,9). Les deux rapports seront diffusés à 10 h (HE). 9h09 Cargill Q2 adj. Le bénéfice d'exploitation a augmenté de 80 à 1,03 milliards, le chiffre d'affaires en baisse d'un an (COMDX). Le bénéfice d'exploitation ajusté a augmenté de 80 à 1,03 milliard au deuxième trimestre, contre 574 millions en la même période de l'année précédente. Pour le semestre, les bénéfices se sont établis à 1,86 milliard, en hausse de 57 par rapport à l'an dernier. Les revenus étaient de 26,9 milliards et de 54 milliards pour le trimestre et la moitié, respectivement, chacun en baisse de 1 par rapport à l'an dernier. La croissance de la demande de vacances a stimulé les ventes d'oiseaux entiers dans le secteur des dindons, tandis qu'une offre plus normale de bovins, une production optimisée et une demande de consommation saine ont contribué à La reprise de la viande de boeuf de l'an dernier lowLes oeufs d'affaires ont continué de voir un fort volume de ventes dans foodserviceLes segments du groupe mondial de la volaille a amélioré au cours des dernières années deuxième trimestre, conduit par de bons résultats dans AsiaOrigination amp En Amérique du Nord, Cargill a augmenté ses volumes de production de céréales aux États-Unis et au Canada, de l'écrasement des graines oléagineuses et de la production de graines oléagineuses. Avec des terminaux situés dans le golfe des États-Unis et à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, à des niveaux plus élevés. Les résultats financiers ont été stimulés par les résultats de négociation sur des marchés plus actifs pour le pétrole brut et les produits raffinés, LA PUISSANCE ÉLECTRIQUE, LE TRANSPORT D'OCÉANS ET LES ORÉRETURES DE FER PAR LA GESTION D'ACTIFS A ÉGALEMENT CONTRIBUÉ À LA PERFORMANCE AMÉLIORÉE DES SEGMENTS. 9:08 AM ATWOOD OCEANICS PRIX SOUSCRIT L'OFFRE PUBLIQUE DE 13,500,000 ACTIONS DE SES ACTIONS COMMUNES A UN PRIX AU PUBLIC DE 12.20SHARE (ATW). La Société prévoit utiliser le produit net du placement pour les besoins généraux de l'entreprise, qui peut inclure le remboursement d'emprunts dans le cadre de son crédit, le financement d'achats futurs de ses 6,50 notes supérieures à échéance 2020, du capital de fonctionnement et des dépenses en capital et autres POUR AMÉLIORER SA LIQUIDITÉ. 9:04 AM DANA INC ACCUEILLE UN CONTRAT DE VENTE COMMERCIALE MULTI-ANNÉE AVEC NAVISTAR INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (NAV) pour les composants de transmission pour les véhicules routiers, urbains, autobus et professionnels (DAN). Grâce à cet accord, NAVISTAR (NAV) a accès à toute la gamme de produits de transmission Danas. En outre, Dana demeurera le fournisseur de la POSITION-CONDUCTEUR DE POSITION STANDARD DANS TOUS LES MODÈLES DE CAMION NAVISTAR. EN PLUS DE CE CONTRAT, NAVISTAR ET DANA ONT LANCÉ CONCURRENT PLUSIEURS EMBALLAGES DE GARANTIE PROLONGÉE POUR LA PLATE-FORME D'AUTOBUS SCOLAIRES DE NAVISTARS ET SON PROGRAMME DE CAMIONS MOYENS DURASTAR. 9:04 AM CYTOSOBINATEURS ATTENDENT RAPPORTER LA CROISSANCE DES VENTES DE DOUBLE-DIGIT DE 8.2 MLN EN AF16 VS. LE CONSENTEMENT DU QI DE CAPITAL DE 9,03 MLN (CTSO). Co s'attend à rapporter approximativement 8,2 mln dans les ventes de FY16 (gamme 8.1-8.3), doublant de 4.0 mln en 2015, contre les 9.03 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Q4 ventes de produits de 2016 d'approximativement 2.6 millions (gamme 2.5-2.7M), contre 1,5 million au quatrième trimestre 2015, se poursuit six trimestres consécutifs de ventes record, et est en hausse séquentielle de plus de 20 à partir du T3 2016.2016 marges brutes des produits bruts, entre les ventes directes à plus forte marge et les ventes des distributeurs de marge inférieure, Ces résultats reflètent l'importance et l'impulsion constantes de notre thérapie CytoSorb dans les hôpitaux du monde entier. À la lumière de nos récentes mises à jour de partenariat et de remboursement, nous croyons que nous sommes bien positionnés pour un 2017.Qu 9:04 am Qiagen entre dans une collaboration stratégique avec Singulex axé sur le développement de diagnostics compagnon (QGEN). Grâce à cette collaboration, QIAGEN aura accès à Singulexs Single Molecule Counting immunodiagnostic PLATEFORME, en ajoutant ADMISSIBILITÉ IMMUNOASSAY CAPACITÉS À QIAGENS EXISTANT MOLECULAR TESTING SERVICES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT COMPANION DIAGNOSTICS. EN OUTRE, QIAGEN AURA ACCÈS AU LABORATOIRE SINGULEXS CLIA-LICENSED. 9:04 AM COTY POUR ACQUERIR 60 PERSONNES DANS YOUNIQUE POUR environ 600 MLN dans la transaction de trésorerie devrait être IMMÉDIATEMENT ACCRETIVE à sa croissance TOP-LINE, la marge EBITDA et FY17 EPS (COTY). Youniques Fondateur et actuel PDG, Derek Maxfield, et Chief Visionary Officer, Melanie Huscroft, continuera à diriger l'entreprise dans le nouveau partenariat. Les produits de maquillage et de soins de la peau Youniques sont vendus par le biais de sa plateforme de commerce électronique peer-to-peer. Younique s'attend à générer 400 millions de revenus nets en 2016. Co acquerra une participation de 60% de Younique pour 600 millions en CASH QUI SERA FINANCÉ PAR UNE COMBINAISON DE TRÉSORERIE ET ​​DE DISPONIBILITÉ DE LA DETTE AVEC IMPACT MARGINAL SUR COTYS RATIO LEVERAGE. LA TRANSACTION EST SOUMISE À DES CONDITIONS DE CLÔTURE CUSTOMIÈRES ET EST PRÉVUE À SE PROCURER PENDANT SON 3T17. LA TRANSACTION EST PRÉVUE À ÊTRE IMMÉDIATEMENT ACCÈS À SA CROISSANCE TOP-LINE, À LA MARGE D'EBITDA ET AU BÉNÉFICE 17. 9:02 AM SUNRUN ET NATIONAL GRID (NGG) annoncent un partenariat impliquant 100 millions d'actions de National Grid dans le partenariat (RUN). Le partenariat comprend un accord de commercialisation conjointe, un projet pilote de services de réseau collaboratif et un investissement direct par National Grid dans les systèmes solaires Sunrun. Sunrun et National Grid formeront également un partenariat pour posséder environ 200 MW d'actifs solaires résidentiels sur tous les marchés Sunruns . National Grid a engagé 100 millions de dollars en capitaux propres pour ce partenariat. L'investissement met en évidence l'attractivité du secteur solaire résidentiel et souligne les différentes sources de capital SUNRUN CAN LEVERAGE POUR APPUYER LA CROISSANCE CONTINUE, INCLUANT BRIGHTBOX ™, SUNRUNS solaire-PLUS-STOCKAGE SOLUTION. LE PRODUIT DE L'INVESTISSEMENT NATIONAL GRIDS AJOUT DE 0,45 À 0,55 PAR WATT EN PLUS AUX SUNRUNS TAUX D'AVANCE TYPIQUES À PARTIR DE L'ÉQUITÉ FISCALE, DU LEVIER RETOUR ET D'AUTRES PAIEMENTS PRÉCÉDENTS. 9:01 AM DANA INC ENTRE EN ACCORD DE VENTE COMMERCIALE MULTI-ANNÉE AVEC NAVISTAR (NAV) pour les composants de transmission pour les véhicules routiers, urbains, autobus et professionnels (DAN). Grâce à cet accord, Navistar a accès à toute la gamme de produits de transmission Danas. EN OUTRE, DANA RESTERA LE FOURNISSEUR D'ENTRAINEMENT DE POSITION STANDARD DANS TOUS LES MODÈLES DE CAMION NAVISTAR. EN PLUS DE CE CONTRAT, NAVISTAR ET DANA ONT LANCÉ CONCURRENT PLUSIEURS EMBALLAGES DE GARANTIE PROLONGÉE POUR LA PLATE-FORME D'AUTOBUS SCOLAIRES DE NAVISTARS ET SON PROGRAMME DE CAMIONS MOYENS DURASTAR. 9 h 01 LE FONDS DE BUREAU DE LA VILLE ANNONCE L'ÉVOLUTION ET LE PRIX DE SON OFFRE PUBLIQUE SANS FRAIS DE 5 000 000 ACTIONS DE SES ACTIONS COMMUNES À UN PRIX D'OFFRE PUBLIC DE 12,40 $ POUR LE TOTAL DES PRODUITS BRUTS DE 62,0 MLN. La Société a l'intention d'utiliser le produit net du placement pour l'acquisition de propriétés de bureaux, le remboursement des montants impayés en vertu de sa facilité de crédit garantie et son fonds de roulement, y compris le financement des acquisitions et des investissements futurs. 8:59 am Sur les fils (: FILS). Duke Energy Renewables (DUK) a acquis trois projets d'énergie solaire de SunPower (SPWR) totalisant 55 mégawatts. Les sites comprennent le Rio Bravo I de 20 MW, le Rio Bravo II de 20 MW et les centrales solaires Wildwood Solar II de 15 MW. Ils sont situés dans le comté de Kern, en Californie, à côté de deux sites solaires existants appartenant à Duke Energy Renewables. Verint Systems (VRNT) a reçu une commande évaluée à plus de 35 millions pour de multiples composants de son portefeuille Cyber ​​Intelligence. Le déploiement devrait durer environ deux ans. Étant donné le calendrier de livraison, cet ordre ne devrait pas avoir d'incidence importante sur les résultats du quatrième trimestre de Verints ni sur la capacité de Verints à atteindre ses prévisions précédemment fournies pour l'exercice se terminant le 31 janvier 2017.FuelCell ENERGY (FCEL) ANNONCE L'OPÉRATION COMMERCIALE DE A MEGAWATT CLASSE COMBINEE DE CHALEUR ET DE COMBUSTIBLE DE PUISSANCE SITUE A SANTA RITA JAMES ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. FUEL TECH (FTEK) ANNONCE LA RECEPTION DE MULTIPLES CONTRATS DE CONTROLE DE LA POLLUTION DE L'AIR PAR LES CLIENTS AUX ETATS-UNIS. Ces prix ont une valeur approximative de 8h56 CAMPING WORLD ANNONCE DES PLANS D'EXPANSION EN TEXAS AVEC L'ACQUISITION DE NORD DU TEXAS RV-MAX DE TERRAINS NON DÉCLARÉS (CWH). L'acquisition prévue de RV-Max ajoutera trois nouveaux Supercenters au Dallas-Ft. Et dans le cadre de nos plans d'expansion massive, nous prévoyons annoncer de futurs emplacements de SuperCenter offrant toute la gamme de produits et services de Camping World et Good Sam. quot a ajouté Moody, quotWe embrasser Marcus People, Process and Product philosophie dans le cadre de notre L'expansion agressive, comme nous ajoutons des fabricants de qualité et de marques, d'accroître notre présence sur le marché et de faire croître la main-d'œuvre. quot 8:53 am Futures SampP vs juste valeur: 0,30. Nasdaq à terme à la juste valeur: 0,60. (: WRAPX): Le SampP 500 fut à plat. Les indices boursiers dans la région Asie-Pacifique ont clôturé mardi sur une note essentiellement inférieure. Le yen a avancé contre le dollar en action du jour au lendemain, mais ce mouvement a été retracé entièrement. En Chine, le PPI de décembre (5,5 en glissement annuel devrait s'établir à 4,5) a grimpé à un sommet de cinq ans alors que l'inflation au niveau des consommateurs (2,1 en glissement annuel sur 2,3) était plus froide que prévu. La Commission nationale de développement et de réforme a déclaré que l'incertitude serait à la hausse en 2017, mais le gouvernement continuera à surveiller la performance économique. En données économiques: Chinas Décembre PPI 5.5 année-sur-année (consensus 4.5 dernière 3.3). Décembre IPC 0,2 mois-sur-mois (attendu 0,3 0,1) 2,1 année-sur-année (consensus 2,3 précédent 2,3) Japon Décembre Confiance des ménages 43,1 (attendu 41,3 dernières 40,9) Australias Novembre Ventes au détail 0,2 mois sur un mois Dernier 0,5) --- Marchés boursiers --- Japon Nikkei a perdu 0,8 après avoir fermé lundi. Oki Electric, Assurance Vie Dai-ichi, Konami, Isuzu Motors, Hino Motors, Crédit Saison et NGK Insulators ont perdu entre 1,8 et 2,6. Sur le côté positif, Sony, Tokyo Electron et Dentsu ont affiché des gains entre 1,2 et 2,4. Hong Kong Hang Seng a grimpé de 0,8 avec le soutien de la plupart des composants. Des noms de propriétés comme Sino Land, New World Development, Henderson Land, Cheung Kong Property Holdings et China Resources Land ont progressé entre 1,0 et 1,9. Les noms de télécommunications ont fléchi avec China Unicom Hong Kong en baisse de 2,3 et China Mobile perdre 0,3. Chinas Shanghai Composite a glissé 0,3. Giti Tire, le Shanghai Material Trading, Greattown Holdings et le moteur diesel de Shanghai sont tombés entre 4,4 et 5,8. Indias Sensex a progressé de 0,7 avec des noms sensibles à la croissance qui ont mené le rallye. Adani Ports, Tata Motors, Tata Steel et Asian Paints ont ajouté entre 1,5 et 3,3. Les finances ont été plus élevées avec la Banque HDFC, la Banque ICIC, et SBI hausse entre 0,3 et 1,5, tandis que la Banque AXIS a perdu 1,2. Les principaux indices européens se négocient avec des gains minces tandis que l'IBEX de Spains (-0,7) sous-performent. En Allemagne, Jorg Meuthen, économiste du parti d'extrême droite AFD, a déclaré que la zone euro pourrait être scindée en deux unions monétaires distinctes - une plus forte regroupée autour de l'Allemagne alors qu'une plus faible serait regroupée autour de la France. Rappelons que Marine Le Pen, qui devrait être dans une course serrée à trois reprises pour la présidence française en avril, a exprimé son soutien pour des changements importants à la structure de la zone euro. Economic data was limited: Frances November Industrial Production 2.2 month-over-month (expected 0.6 last -0.1) Swiss December Unemployment Rate held at 3.3, as expected ---Equity Markets--- UKs FTSE is higher by 0.2 with miners showing relative strength. Anglo American, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Antofagasta, and Fresnillo posted gains between 2.4 and 6.1. Consumer names have also contributed to the advance with Tesco, Morrison Supermarkets, InterContinental Hotels, Merlin Entertainments, Next, and Sainsbury adding between 1.4 and 3.9. Homebuilders Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon, and Barratt Developments are up between 1.7 and 2.7. Germanys DAX has added 0.1. Siemens has jumped 1.7 in reaction to an upgrade, while exporters are mixed. Continental holds a 2.3 gain while Volkswagen sits just below its flat line. Financials have been weak with Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank down 1.4 and 2.7, respectively. Frances CAC sits just above its flat line, looking to avoid its second consecutive decline. Recent strength in commodity prices has sent ArcelorMittal to the top of the days leaderboard with a gain of 3.0. Automakers Renault and PeugeOT ARE UP 2.8 AND 0.5, RESPECTIVELY, WHILE FINANCIALS ARE MIXED. SOCIETE GENERALE HAS ADDED 0.4 WHILE CREDIT AGRICOLE AND BNP PARIBAS ARE BOTH DOWN 0.1 AND 0.4, RESPECTIVELY. COUNTERCYCLICAL NAMES LIKE ORANGE AND VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT LAG, DOWN 1.6 AND 2.4, RESPECTIVELY. SPAINS IBEX TRADES LOWER BY 0.7 AMID WEAKNESS IN FINANCIALS. BANCO POPULAR, BBVA, BANKIA, BANCO SABADELL, AND CAIXABANK ARE DOWN BETWEEN 0.5 AND 2.8. 8:53 AM COOPER-STANDARD PROVIDES FY17 GUIDANCE IN SLIDE PRESENTATION ( CPS ). Co issues downside guidance for FY17 (Dec), sees FY17 (Dec) revs of 3.48-3.53 bln vs. 3.54 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees adjusted EBITDA of 12.3-12.8 sees CapEx of 165-175 mln. 8:49 am Gapping down ( SCANX ) : Gapping down In reaction to disappointing earningsguidance: HGG -51.9, (HHGregg sees fiscal Q3 sales of 453 mln vs. 564.3 mln Capital IQ Consensus Est co expects to incur a non-cash charge for asset impairment of 7-12 mln of certain locations in the quarter ended December 31, 2016), ASNA -20.1, WDFC -8.6, FRSH -7.1, (issues downside Q4 revenue guidance), NSTG -6.4, BOOT -5.3, (Boot Barn Holdings reports light prelim Q3 results ahead of ICR conf), SHOO -4.9, CRAY -4.2, (anticipates 2016 revenue to be in previously provided range believes it will be difficult to grow over 2016 in 2017 ), HALO -4.1, (guides 2017 revenue below expectations), SCVL -2.3, (sees FY17 1.36-1.38 vs 1.49 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees revs 1.000-1.003 bln vs 1.00 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate), ABMD -2.2, (offers prelim Q3 rev results, reaffirms FY17 outlook ahead of presentation at the Annual J. P. Morgan Healthcare Conference), VTR -1.2, HRC -1.1, FLDM -1, ( guides Q4 revenue below consensus ), Other news: AKER -29 (prices 1,667,000 shares of common stock at 1.20 per share, together with 833,500 five-year warrants to purchase common stock with an exercise price of 1.50)WMB -10.3 (prices 65 mln shares of common stock at 29.00 per share)ATW -5.9 (commenced an underwritten public offering of 13,500,000 shares of common stock)WPZ -4.3 (announce financial repositioning for long-term, sustainable growth Both cos announced an agreement to permanently waive payment obligations), CIO -3.3 (commences 4 mln common stock offering)MACK -1.9 (modestly pulling back following yesterdays strength)DM -1.5 (Dominion Midstream files for offERING OF 25,383,348 COMMON UNITS REPRESENTING LIMITED PARTNER INTERESTS BY SELLING UNITHOLDERS ), Analyst comments: WRLD -2.3 (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies)EXPE -0.9 (initiated with a Sell at Citigroup)GS -0.8 (downgraded to SELL AT CITIGROUP) 8:47 AM HILL INTERNATIONAL RECEIVES A FIVE-YEAR CONTRACT WORTH APPROX. 35 MLN FROM THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ( HIL ). Hill international will provide project management oversight and construction management services in connection with Valley Transportation Authoritys highway, roadway, pedestrianbicycle, transit and facility projects. 8:46 am Coherus BioSciences announces positive topline 24-week treatment phase 3 results for CHS-1420 in patients with psoriasis ( CHRS ) : This is a confirmatory 3-part study in patients with active, moderate to severe, chronic plaque psoriasis. Data from this study will be presented at an upcoming scientific conference. They currently anticipate filing the Biologic License Application submission in the first half of 2017. As previously reported, this study met its primary endpoint demonstrating similarity between CHS-1420 and Humira with respect to percentage of subjects achieving 75 improvement in psoriasis area and severity index at week 12. The 95 confidence intervals for the difference between treatment groups fell well within the pre-specified margin. Results from Part 2 of the study focused on maintenance of response through Week 24. At the start of Part 2, 80.3 of subjects in the CHS-1420 group and 77.5 of subjects in the Humira group achieved PASI-75. In Part 2, half of the subjects who werE INITIALLY TREATED WITH HUMIRA WERE SWITCHED TO CHS-1420, MODELING A CHRONIC PATIENTS TRANSITION TO A BIOSIMILAR. IN PART 2, MAINTENANCE OF PASI-75 WAS SIMILAR ACROSS THE 3 SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT GROUPS: CHS-1420 FOLLOWED BY CHS-1420, HUMIRA FOLLOWED BY CHS-1420, AND HUMIRA FOLLOWED BY HUMIRA. CHS-1420 AND HUMIRA WERE SIMILARLY WELL TOLERATED IN ALL GROUPS DURING PART 2. ANTI-DRUG ANTIBODY RESULTS ARE PRELIMINARY AT THIS TIME, BUT HAVE NOT IDENTIFIED ANY CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TREATMENT GROUPS. 8:45 AM KOPPERS HOLDINGS REPEATS FY16 GUIDANCE IN SLIDE PRESENTATION ( KOP ). Co repeats guidance for FY16 (Dec), sees FY16 (Dec) revs of 1.4 bln vs. 1.41 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees FY16 consolidated EBITDA of 168-172 mln. 8:45 am Gapping up ( SCANX ) : Gapping up In reaction to strong earningsguidance: PXLW 12.4, (sees Q4 revs at high end of guidance, expects to report GAAP profitability ) CUDA 8.5, MDRX 6.7, (TICKING HIGHER REAFFIRMS Q4 GUIDANCE AND PROVIDES INITIAL OUTLOOK FOR 2017 ), ZBH 3.8, CMG 2.5, EXPR 1.8, OFIX 1.8, TACO 1.7, (PREANNOUNCES Q4 SALES WITH COMPS 5.5, JUST ABOVE ESTIMATES), VOXX 0.9, ZLTQ 0.7, (DISCLOSES COMMERCIAL LEADERSHIP TRANSITION, PROVIDES PRELIM Q4 RESULTS, FY17 GUIDANCE), MampA news: VRX 11.7 (divests its CeraVe, AcneFree and AMBI Skincare brands To LOreal ( LRLCY ) for 1.3 bln also to divest Dendreon for 819.9 mln ) Select metalsmining stocks trading higher: RIO 5.1, VALE 4.7, BBL 4.7, CLF 4.6, MT 4.4, FCX 4.1, X 2.9, AKS 2.3 Other news: NGNVC 44.5 (continued strength extending late surge higher yesterday), XGTI 20 (regains full compliance with all listing requirements of the Nasdaq), ILMN 14 (confirms the introduction the NovaSeq Series, a new and scalable sequencing architecture expected one day to enable a 100 genome Illumina and Bio-Rad Laboratories launch of the Illumina Bio-Rad Single-Cell Sequencing Solution), ARRY 8.1 (still checking), PTX 6.3 (continued strength), SSI 5.7 (modestly rebounding), KITE 3.5 (KITE PHARMA ENTERS INTO A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP WITH DAIICHI SANKYO CO FOR AXICABTAGENE CILOLEUCEL) PSTI 3.4 (ANNOUNCED THAT ITS PHASE III STUDY OF ITS PLX-PAD CELLS IN THE TREATMENT OF CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA WAS CLEARED BY THE FDA EXPECTS TO BEGIN ENROLLING PATIENTS IN ITS PHASE III STUDY IN BOTH THE U. S. AND EUROPE DURING 1H17), BIO 3 (ILLUMINA AND BIO-RAD LABORATORIES LAUNCH OF THE ILLUMINA BIO-RAD SINGLE-CELL SEQUENCING SOLUTION), PBR 2.8 (PRICES 4 BLN IN GLOBAL NOTES), CNDT 2.4 (HIGHER IN AFTER HOURS AFTER CARL ICAHN AFFIRMED 9.77 ACTIVE STAKE IN THE XEROX ( XRX ) spin-off ), ZIOP 2.4 (ZIOPHARM amp Intrexon ( XON ) announce cooperative research and development agreement with the National Cancer Institute utilizing sleeping beauty system to generate T cells targeting neoantigens), FEYE 1.7 (in sympathy with CUDA), CYBR 1.1 (IN SYMPATHY WITH CUDA), Analyst comments: TIME 2.7 (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), ETFC 1.8 (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman ), VOD 1.7 (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman ), XRX 1.6 (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman ), BIDU 1 (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel) 8:39 am EXFO amends Annual Report for fiscal 2016 after identifying a material weakness in the companys internal control over financial reporting ( EXFO ) : Subsequent to the original filing of its Annual Report on Form 20-F for fiscal 2016 on November 28, 2016, EXFO management identified a material weakness in the companys internal control over financial reporting, resulting in the improper aging of its trade accounts receivable ledger which led to an incorrect assessment of bad debt expense against a single trade account receivable. Specifically, the company did not maintain sufficient controls over the trade accounts receivable ledger, which included failure to maintain appropriate segregation of duties as well as lack of supervisory review and monitoring of journal entries recorded to the trade accounts receivable ledger. EXFO management determined that the identified control deficiencies could have resulted in a material misstatement of the aforementioned account balances or disclosures that would not have been prevented or detected, and therefore these control deficiencies represent a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting. Considering the identified material weakness, the companys Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer have concluded that internal controls over financial reporting were not effective as of August 31, 2016.Although EXFO management determined that the errors were not material to the previously issued consolidated financial statements and disclosures in its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended August 31, 2016, management revised its previously issued consolidated financial statements to reflect THE CORRECTION OF THE BAD DEBT EXPENSES IN THE PROPER PERIODS. THE REVISIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE A RESTATEMENT OF PRIOR YEARS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. THE IMPACT OF THE REVISION ON EXFOS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2016 ARE NON-CASH AND THEREFORE DO NOT AFFECT THE COMPANYS STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR ANY OF THE PRIOR PERIODS AND DO NOT AFFECT THE COMPANYS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2016. THE IMPACT ON NET EARNINGS AMOUNT TO A REDUCTION OF US441,000 AND US527,000 FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2015 AND 2014, RESPECTIVELY. 8:38 AM LEAR PROVIDES FY17 GUIDANCE IN SLIDE PRESENTATION ( LEA ). Co issues upside guidance for FY17 (Dec), sees FY17 (Dec) revs of 19.5 bln vs. 19.26 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees core operating earnings of 1.6 billion sees FY17 total vehicle unit production of 91.7 mln vs 90.9 mln in FY16 8:38 am EP Energy files for 43,786,694 common stock offering by selling stockholders ( EPE ). 8:34 am Lamb Weston beats by 0.07, beats on revs guides FY17 EPS above consensus, raises sales outlook ( LW ). Reports Q2 (Nov) earnings of 0.63 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.07 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.56 revenues rose 6.8 yearyear to 790.7 mln vs the 772.1 mln two analyst estimate. Volume increased 4 percentage points as productivity programs and strong manufacturing plant performance stretched available capacity, allowing the Company to meet demand growth in both North America and international markets. Pricemix increased 3 percentage points due to pricing actions and favorable product AND CUSTOMER MIX. CO ISSUES upside guidance for FY17, sees EPS of 2.20-2.28, excluding non-recurring items, vs. 2.11 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees net sales up mid-single digits vs. prior guidance for up low single digits. Co expects Adjusted EBITDA including unconsolidated joint ventures to grow at a mid-teens rate, up from a previous estimate of a high single digit increase, reflecting solid sales growth and savings from supply chain efficiencies, partially offset by lower contribution from equity method investment earnings. Potato costs are expected to remain essentially flat. 8:33 am Dexcom sees Q4 revs roughly in line with estimates sees FY17 revs below consensus ( DXCM ). Co issues in-line guidance for Q4 (Dec), sees Q4 (Dec) revs of 168 mln vs. 167.15 mln Capital IQ Consensus EstimATE. quot2016 was a record year for DexCom. We estimate that 80,000 to 90,000 new patients adopted DexCom Continuous Glucose Monitoring worldwide and we ended the year with approximately 200,000 patients globally, up from approximately 140,000 at the end of 2015.quotCo issues downside guidance for FY17 (Dec), sees FY17 (Dec) revs of 710-740 mln vs. 750.92 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. At the end of 2017, the company is targeting a patient base of 270,000 worldwide and continues to estimate that patients outside of the United States will be approximately 20 to 25 of its global patient base. 8:33 am Sarepta Therapeutics discloses entry into two agreements with the Nationwide Childrens Hospital ( SRPT ). The co has entered an exclusive license agreement with Nationwide Childrens Hospital, for their Galgt2 gene therapy program developed by researcher Dr. Paul Martin, Ph. D. The experimental program explores the potential surrogate gene therapy approach to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. quotOur goal is to have this program in the clinic during 2017 and begin to evaluate a therapy that has the potential to treat patients of all ages and disease severity. quotThe co also has entered a research and option agreement with Nationwide Childrens Hospital on their microdystrophin gene therapy program. Dr. Jerry Mendell, M. D. and Dr. Louise Rodino-Klapac, Ph. D. are the lead principal inVESTIGATORS OF THE PROGRAM. THE INITIAL TRIAL, EXPECTED TO GO INTO PHASE 12A TRIAL IN LATE 2017, WILL BE CONDUCTED AT NATIONWIDE CHILDRENS. PARENT PROJECT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY HAS COMMITTED 2.2 MILLION DOLLARS TO THE TRIAL, WITH SUPPORT FROM ADDITIONAL DUCHENNE FOUNDATIONS AND FAMILIES. SAREPTA HAS COMMITTED TO THE TRIAL THROUGH A SEPARATE RESEARCH AGREEMENT WITH NATIONWIDE CHILDRENS, AND HAS AN EXCLUSIVE OPTION TO LICENSE THE PROGRAM. PPMDS GRANT PROVIDED INCENTIVE FOR SAREPTA TO HELP EXPAND AND ACCELERATE THIS OPPORTUNITY. 8:33 AM CORVUS PHARMACEUTICALS ANNOUNCES THAT THE PROTOCOL-PREDEFINED CRITERIA FOR EXPANSION HAS BEEN REACHED FOR THE COHORT OF PATIENTS WITH RENAL CELL CARCINOMA TREATED WITH SINGLE-AGENT CPI-444 IN THE COMPANYS ONGOING PHASE 11B STUDY ( CRVS ). Co announced that the protocol-predefined criteria for expansion has been reached for the cohort of patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with single-agent CPI-444 in the Companys ongoing Phase 11b study. The size of that cohort will be increased from 14 to 26 patients. The Phase 11b study is evaluating CPI-444, a selective and potent inhibitor of the adenosine A2A receptor, as a single agent and in combination with Genentechs Tecentriq (atezolizumab).The first part of the trial (dose-selection) was completed in October 2016, and enrollment of patients in disease-specific cohorts in the second part of the trial is currently underway. Could potentially initiate a registration trial before the end of 2017. That study would evaluate CPI-444 in late-stage reNAL CANCER PATIENTS, FOR WHOM CURRENT TREATMENT OPTIONS ARE VERY LIMITED. TO DATE, CPI-444 HAS BEEN WELL TOLERATED WHEN GIVEN ORALLY TWICE DAILY. HAS ALSO SEEN PROMISING EVIDENCE OF SINGLE-AGENT ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS IN OTHER DISEASE-SPECIFIC COHORTS, INCLUDING LUNG CANCER AND MELANOMA. THE PRIMARY ENDPOINTS OF THE STUDY ARE RESPONSE RATE AND DURATION OF CLINICAL BENEFIT. BASED ON BIOMARKER ANALYSES SHOWING SUSTAINED, COMPLETE BLOCKADE OF THE ADENOSINE A2A RECEPTOR IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES, AND EVIDENCE OF IMMUNE ACTIVATION IN CIRCULATING LYMPHOCYTES, AN OPTIMUM SINGLE AGENT AND COMBINATION DOSE OF 100 MG TWICE A DAY FOR 28 DAYS WAS SELECTED FOR THE SECOND PART OF THE STUDY. 8:32 AM RED ROBIN GOURMET FOLLOW UP - CO ISSUES DOWNSIDE GUIDANCE AHEAD OF ICR CONFERENCE ( RRGB ). Co issues downside guidance for Q4 (Dec), sees Q4 (Dec) revs of 290.80 mln vs. 299.52 mln Capital IQ ConsensuS ESTIMATEPARABLE RESTAURANT REVENUE DECREASE OF 4.5 COMPARABLE GUEST COUNT DECREASE OF 2.9 quotThe initiatives we put in place last fall -- our new 6.99 every day valuE ITEMS, IMPROVED SPEED TO TABLE, AND THE LETS BURGER AD CAMPAIGN -- ARE HELPING US GROW MARKET SHARE AGAIN, quot said Denny Marie Post, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. s chief executive officer. quotWe outperformed casual dining industry traffic trends by 243 basis points in Q4 and saw further improvement in guest service ratings. Continuing this momentum and layering in off-premise initiatives later this year will help us grow in 2017 and beyond. quot 8:31 am Resonant CEO Terry Lingren will retire George B. Holmes, the cos President and Chief Commercial Officer, has been named his successor effective immediately ( RESN ). 8:31 am Mellanox Tech announces that Spectrum Ethernet switches amp ConnectX 4 100Gbs Ethernet adapters have been selected by Baidu ( BIDU ) for Baidus Machine Learning platforms terms not disclosed ( MLNX ). 8:31 am SampP futures vs fair value: flat. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: 0.40. (:WRAPX) : The stock market is poised for a flat open as the SampP 500 futures trade at fair value. In corporate news, many companies have issued guidance ahead of conferences today. Several retailers and restaurants have issued cautious guidance, including Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 396.00, 0.94), PAPA MURPHYS (FRSH 4.25, 0.00), POPEYES LOUISIANA KITCHEN (PLKI 59.06, 0.00), KONA GRILL (KONA 11.75, 0.00), SHOE CARNIVAL (SCVL 25.49, 0.00), BOOT BARN HOLDINGS (BOOT 11.50, -0.64), AND EXPRESS (EXPR 10.50, 0.19), AMONG OTHERS. ON THE EARNINGS FRONT, BARRACUDA NETWORKS (CUDA 25.80, 2.03) IS HIGHER BY 8.5 IN PRE-MARKET TRADE AFTER BEATING TOP AND BOTTOM LINE ESTIMATES AND ISSUING IN-LINE GUIDANCE. WD-40 (WDFC 110.30, -7.00) IS LOWER BY 6.0 AFTER MISSING ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM LINES AND REAFFIRMING GUIDANCE. U. S. TREASURIES REMAIN UNDER PRESSURE WITH THE 10-YR YIELD UP TWO BASIS POINTS TO 2.39. 8:30 AM LABORATORY CORP TO ACQUIRE ASSETS OF MOUNT SINAI HEALTH SYSTEM CLINICAL OUTREACH LABORATORIES TERMS NOT DISCLOSED ( LH ). Mount Sinai will continue to provide laboratory testing for patients registered at its hospitals and ambulatory facilities as inpatients or outpatients, as well as laboratory testing sERVICES FOR PHYSICIANS IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES IN THE AREAS OF ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY, MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY AND GENETICS. LABCORP WILL OFFER CLINICAL PATHOLOGY TESTING, INCLUDING CYTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY-RELATED MOLECULAR TESTING. SEVEN PATIENT SERVICE CENTERS CURRENTLY OPERATED BY MOUNT SINAI WILL BE ADDED TO LABCORPS EXISTING NETWORK OF 120 PATIENT SERVICE CENTERS IN THE METROPOLITAN NEW YORK CITY AREA. THE PARTIES ARE ALSO VIGOROUSLY EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES TO COLLABORATE ON PROJECTS INVOLVING COMPANION DIAGNOSTICS, CLINICAL TRIALS AND MEDICAL EDUCATION. THE TRANSACTION, WHICH HAS ALREADY RECEIVED CLEARANCE UNDER THE HART-SCOTT-RODINO ANTITRUST IMPROVEMENTS ACT OF 1976, IS EXPECTED TO CLOSE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2017 8:30 AM PERRIGO TO CHANGE REPORTING SEGMENTS BEGINNING IN Q4 - WILL HAVE NO IMPACT ON HISTORICAL RESULTS ( PRGO ) : Co changes its reporting segments to better align with its organizational structure. Beginning with the Q4, its new reporting segments are: Consumer Healthcare Americas -- Comprises the legacy US, Mexico and Canada consumer healthcare business (OTC, contract, infant formula and animal health categories). Consumer Healthcare International -- Comprises the legacy Branded Consumer Healthcare segment and now includes its consumer focused businesses in the UK Australia and Israel, which were previously reported in the legacy Consumer Healthcare segment. Prescription Pharmaceuticals -- Comprises the legacy US Prescription Pharmaceuticals business. Specialty Sciences -- Will continue to comprise royalties from Tysabri. Other -- Will continue to comprise the legacy Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (:API) business. 8:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Lianluo Smart Limited (LLIT) announced that it has received the design patent certificate for the DHR 998 Plus Wearable Sleep Apnea Syndrome Diagnostic Watch, which is a main product under the business of the Companys medical wearable device sector. Natera (NTRA) announced the termination of a distribution agreement with Bioreference Laboratories. With the ending of the distribution agreement, Natera intends to promote Panorama directly to clinicians, who previously ordered this test through Bio-Reference. Natera also plans to promote its Horizon carrier screen test to these clinicians, which it had not done previously. Lionsgate (LGF. A, LGF. B) announced that it has invested in leading eSports franchise Immortals. Merck (MKGAY) announced the expansion of its end-to-end biodevelopment centers to meet increasing customer demand for its turnkey portfolio of bioprocessing products, manufacturing capabilities and industry leading technological expertise. Majesco Entertainment (COOL) changes name to PolarityTE, Inc. effective January 11 ticker unchanged. Wix (WIX) announced its integration with Square to give Wix merchants and entrepreneurs in North America a new way to accept online and in-person credit card payments. RedHill Biopharma (RDHL) announced the first group of subjects have been dosed in a single-dose three-way crossover pharmacokinetic study with RHB-105 versus the active comparators in the confIRMATORY PHASE III STUDY AND IN A FOOD-EFFECT STUDY WITH RHB-105 IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS. THE CONFIRMATORY PHASE III STUDY WITH RHB-105 FOR H. PYLORI INFECTION IS PLANNED TO BE INITIATED, SUBJECT TO REGULATORY APPROVALS AND COMPLETION OF THE SUPPORTIVE PHARMACOKINETIC PROGRAM, BY APRIL OF THIS YEAR. SUBJECT TO A SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME, THE CONFIRMATORY PHASE III STUDY AND THE SUPPORTIVE PHARMACOKINETIC PROGRAM ARE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE THE PACKAGE REQUIRED FOR A U. S. NDA FOR RHB-105.INVIVO THERAPEUTICS (NVIV) ANNOUNCED THAT RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL IN PROVIDENCE, RI HAS BEEN ADDED AS A CLINICAL SITE FOR THE INSPIRE STUDY: INVIVO STUDY OF PROBABLE BENEFIT OF THE NEURO-SPINAL SCAFFOLD FOR SAFETY AND NEUROLOGIC RECOVERY IN SUBJECTS WITH COMPLETE THORACIC AIS A SPINAL CORD INJURY. 8:22 AM VARIAN MEDICAL BOARD APPROVES SEPARATION OF THE COMPANYS IMAGING COMPONENTS BUSINESS ( VAR ) : The separation is intended to be executed via a tax-free distribution to Varian stockholders of common stock in Varex Imaging Corporation, a new stand-alone public company that will hold the Imaging Components business. The distribution is expecteD TO BE COMPLETED ON JANUARY 28, 2017, SUBJECT TO THE SATISFACTION OR WAIVER OF THE CONDITIONS TO THE COMPLETION OF THE DISTRIBUTION DESCRIBED IN THE PRELIMINARY INFORMATION STATEMENT FILED AS AN EXHIBIT TO VAREXS REGISTRATION STATEMENT ON FORM 10 FILED WITH THE U. S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. IN THE DISTRIBUTION, VARIAN STOCKHOLDERS WOULD RECEIVE 0.4 SHARE OF VAREX COMMON STOCK FOR EVERY ONE SHARE OF VARIAN COMMON STOCK HELD AS OF JANUARY 20, 2017, THE RECORD DATE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION. NO FRACTIONAL SHARES OF VAREX WILL BE ISSUED. VAREX SHARES ARE EXPECTED TO BEGIN quotregular wayquot trading on Monday, January 30, 2017 on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol quotVREXquot. Varian will continue to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol quotVARquot. 8:19 am Novo Nordisk announces the EC granted marketing authorization for Fiasp for the treatment of diabetes in adults ( NVO ). The co expects to launch Fiasp in the first European countries in the first half of 2017. 8:16 am Icahn Enterprises commences 900 mln private placement of Senior Notes due 2022 and Senior Notes due 2024 and, separately, announces 600 mln rights offering ( IEP ). The proceeds from the Notes offering, together with cash and cash equivalents at Icahn Enterprises and cash received from redemptions from investment funds, will be used to redeem all of the Issuers existing 3.500 Senior Notes due 2017 and pay related fees and expenses. The purposes of the rights offering are: (i) TO ENHANCE ICAHN ENTERPRISES DEPOSITARY UNIT HOLDER EQUITY (II) TO ENDEAVOR TO IMPROVE ICAHN ENTERPRISES CREDIT RATINGS AND (III) TO RAISE EQUITY CAPITAL TO BE USED FOR GENERAL PARTNERSHIP PURPOSES. PURSUANT TO THE RIGHTS OFFERING, ICAHN ENTERPRISES WILL DISTRIBUTE FREELY-TRADABLE RIGHTS PRO RATA TO HOLDERS OF RECORD OF ICAHN ENTERPRISES DEPOSITARY UNITS AS OF THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE RECORD DATE TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE RIGHTS OFFERING. CARL C. ICAHN, WHO BENEFICIALLY OWNS 89.89 OF THE COMPANYS OUTSTANDING DEPOSITARY UNITS, HAS INFORMED THE COMPANY THAT CERTAIN OF HIS AFFILIATES INTEND TO EXERCISE FULLY ALL BASIC SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND OVER-SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS ALLOCATED TO THEM IN THE RIGHTS OFFERING. 8:13 AM NATERA TERMINATES A DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT WITH BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES INTENDS TO PROMOTE PANORAMA DIRECTLY TO CLINICIANS, WHO PREVIOUSLY ORDERED THIS TEST THROUGH BIO-REFERENCE ( NTRA ). Co also plans to promote its Horizon carrier screen test to these clinicians, which it had not done previously. 8:11 am CAS Medical offers prelim Q4 revs results, discusses FY17 outlook ( CASM ) : Co sees Q4 revs 5.5 mln vs 5.59 mln two analyst estimate. A record 82 FORE-SIGHT cerebral oximeters were shipped in the fourth quarter to new and existing customers in the U. S. Net of returns, 45 monitors were shipped in the U. S. bringing the installed base of U. S. monitors to 1,120 units as of December 31, 2016, up from 914 monitors as of December 31, 2015. Net 43 monitors were shipped to international customers in the fourth quarter. quotOur expectations for 2017 include a 20 increase in disposable FORE-SIGHT sensor sales and a 20 increase in the U. S. monitor installed base, coming from gains in market share and from market expansion for cerebral oximetry monitoring. We expect growth to accelerate in the second half of 2017, driven by the expansion and maturation of our U. S. salesforce. We expect total FORE-SIGHT sales growth for 2017 in the mid-teens. quot 8:08 am SampP futures vs fair value: 1.00. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: 2.30. (:WRAPX) : Equity futures are flat ahead of Tuesdays open with the SampP 500 futures trading one point above fair value. Global markets are mixed with Asia closing on a mostly lower note while European indices hold modest gains. Crude oil spent most of the overnight session near its flat line and remains at the same level this morning. The commodity is modestly higher, up 0.3 at 52.11bbl. After an upbeat start to the week, U. S. Treasuries are under modest selling pressure early this morning. The 10-yr yield is higher by two basis points at 2.39. Todays economic data will be limited to November Job Openings (:JOLTS) and November Wholesale Inventories (Briefing consensus 0.9). Both reports will be released at 10:00 am ET. In U. S. corporate news of note: Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 382.00, -13.06): -3.3 after issuing downside guidance. Barracuda Networks (CUDA 26.00, 2.23): 9.8 after beating on revenues and issuing in-line guidance. Williams Companies (WMB 28.83, -3.10): -9.7 after the stock was downgraded to Hold from Buy at Jefferies. Illumina (ILMN 161.00, 19.46): 13.8 after issuing above-consensus revenue guidance for the fourth quarter. The stock was upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Bank of AmericaMerrill Lynch. Reviewing overnight developments: Equity indices in the Asia-Pacific region ended Tuesday on a mostly lower note. Japans Nikkei -0.8, Hong Kongs Hang Seng 0.8, Chinas Shanghai Composite -0.3, Indias Sensex 0.7.In economic data: Chinas December PPI 5.5 year-over-year (consensus 4.5 last 3.3). December CPI 0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.3 last 0.1) 2.1 year-over-year (consensus 2.3 previous 2.3) Japans December Household Confidence 43.1 (expected 41.3 last 40.9) Australias November Retail Sales 0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.4 last 0.5) In news:In China, December PPI (5.5 year-over-year expected 4.5) climbed to a five-year high while inflation on the consumer level (2.1 year-over-year expected 2.3) was cooler than expected. The National Development and Reform Commission said that uncertainty will be on the rise in 2017, but the government will continue keeping tabs on economic performance. Major European indices trade with SLIM GAINS WHILE SPAINS IBEX UNDERPERFORMS. UKS FTSE 0.4, GERMANYS DAX 0.2, FRANCES CAC 0.1, SPAINS IBEX -0.7.IN ECONOMIC DATA:FRANCES NOVEMBER INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 2.2 MONTH-OVER-MONTH (EXPECTED 0.6 LAST -0.1) SWISS DECEMBER UNEMPLOYMENT RATE HELD AT 3.3, AS EXPECTEDIN NEWS:IN GERMANY, JORG MEUTHEN, WHO IS THE ECONOMIST FOR THE RIGHT-WING AFD PARTY, SAID THE EUROZONE COULD BE SPLIT INTO TWO SEPARATE CURRENCY UNIONS-A STRONGER ONE CLUSTERED AROUND GERMANY WHILE A WEAKER ONE WOULD BE CLUSTERED AROUND FRANCE. RECALL THAT MARINE LE PEN, WHO IS EXPECTED TO BE IN A TIGHT THREE-WAY RACE FOR FRENCH PRESIDENCY IN APRIL, HAS VOICED SUPPORT FOR SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE STRUCTURE OF THE EUROZONE. 8:08 AM GAIN CAPITAL REPORTS OPERATING METRICS FOR DECEMBER 2016 OTC ADV OF 8.6 BLN, -33.4 YY, ACTIVE OTC ACCOUNTS OF 129,036, -12.2 YY, FUTURES AVERAGE DAILY CONTRACTS OF 26,160, -21.2 YY ( GCAP ) : Institutional Segment Metrics ECN average daily volume of 9.2 billion, 36.0 YYECN volume of 202.1 billion, 36.0 YY Swap Dealer average daily volume of 3.2 billion, 20.3 YY Swap Dealer volume of 70.0 billion, 20.3YY 8:08 am GenMark Diagnostics sees Q4 rev in-line ( GNMK ). SeES Q4 REVS 13 TO 14.9 MLN VS 14.80 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. THE COMPANY ALSO ANNOUNCED THAT IT FINISHED THE YEAR WITH MORE THAN 55 CUSTOMER AGREEMENTS IN PLACE TOTALING OVER 85 EPLEX INSTRUMENTS. quotFourth quarter revenue was in line with our expectations, despite a slow start to the flu season. Furthermore, we are very pleased with the increasing customer interest in our ePlex sample-to-answer system, particularly following our submissions to FDA last month. We finished the year with more than 55 agreements for over 85 ePlex instruments, many of which have already been installed in end-user sites. Customer feedback has been very positive, especially on ease of use and workflow. quotComplete 2016 fourth quarter and full year financial results will be announced during the Companys fourth quarter earnings call. At that time, the Company also anticipates providing 2017 financial guidance. 8:06 am Cognex announces they acquired Chiaro Technologies amp Webscan terms not disclosed ( CGNX ) : Co announces the recent acquisition of two technology companies in the fast-growing areas of 3D vision and industrial ID. On Nov 30, 2016, Cognex acquired Chiaro Technologies, maker of an innovative 3D machine vision sensor called Cloudburst. Chiaros Cloudburst SENSOR OFFERS HIGH-SPEED, REAL-TIME 3D IMAGE STREAMING THAT IS USEFUL IN APPLICATIONS WHERE SPEED IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CAPTURING A HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE. ON DEC 9, 2016, COGNEX ALSO ACQUIRED WEBSCAN, A LEADER IN BARCODE VERIFICATION SOLUTIONS. WEBSCANS SOLUTION ENABLES MANUFACTURERS TO ENSURE THAT BARCODES MARKED ON PACKAGES, PARTS AND COMPONENTS ARE APPLIED ACCURATELY BEFORE ITEMS ARE SHIPPED, AND VERIFIES THAT CODES COMPLY WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS. quotThe Cloudburst sensor enables Cognex to address a wider range of applications and price points in the fast-growing 3D vision market. And the combination of Webscans verification software with our rugged and flexible DataMan proDUCT LINE WILL ENABLE COGNEX TO PROVIDE THE INDUSTRYS BROADEST RANGE OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE AND EASY-TO-USE VERIFICATION SOLUTIONS. quot 8:06 am Axcelis Tech announces shipments in 4Q16 of the Purion XE high energy implanter to multiple customers in the Asia Pacific Region guides Q4 revs on the high end of its guidance, and EPS above guidance ( ACLS ). quotWe expect fourth quarter revenue to be on the high end of our guidance, and EPS above guidance primarily driven by strong gross margin performance. We also continue to anticipate increased revenue in the first quarter of 2017.quotquotThese shipments represent the leading edge of expected strong capital investment in the memory sector in 2017. Memory growth will be driven by a strong Internet of Things market and the overall Connected World. quot 8:05 am Sangamo BioSci presents improvements to its technology platform for engineering highly specific zinc finger nucleases for therapeutic genome editing applications ( SGMO ). The data demonstrate genome editing of therapeutic gene targets in clinically relevant cell types, including high levels of targeted modification (80) of the BCL11A enhancer in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells at clinical scale with no significant off-target activity. 8:05 am Alaska Air reports December operational results, traffic 5.6 ( ALK ). On a combined basis, Air Group reported a 5.6 percent increase in traffic on a 5.0 percent increase in capacity compared to December 2015. Load factor increased 0.5 points to 83.1 percent. These statistICS INCLUDE FLIGHTS OPERATED BY ALASKA, VIRGIN AMERICA, HORIZON, AND THOSE UNDER THIRD-PARTY CAPACITY PURCHASE AGREEMENTS. 8:05 AM TORCHLIGHT ENERGY RESOURCES ANNOUNCES THAT DRILLING OF THE FLYING B RANCH 2 VERTICAL WELL WAS COMPLETED TO A TOTAL DEPTH OF 6,550 FEET PRELIM ANALYSIS RESULTED IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF 400 FEET OF CONTINUOUS PAY COMPRISED OF 80 FEET OF DEAN AND 320 FEET OF WOLFCAMP AampB FORMATIONS ( TRCH ). Torchlight has planned a completion procedure to commence on January 18th with a scheduled fracing of the well which will target the 400 of pay identified in the Wolfcamp and Dean formations. The Company plans to perform a significantly larger multiple-stage frac than previously employed where they will utilize 600,000 lbs. of sand pumped at a fluid rate of 75-100 barrels per minute. Torchlight expects the well to be a vertical producer providing further confirmation for economic horizontal development potential. 8:04 am Hill-Rom to acquire Mortara Instrument for 330 mln in cash ( HRC ) : Mortara Instrument is a privately held company in diagnostic cardiology and patient monitoring solutions, technologies, and devices. Hill-Rom anticipates the structure of the acquisition will alLOW THE COMPANY TO QUALIFY FOR A SIGNIFICANT TAX BENEFIT, WHICH AT A NET PRESENT VALUE OF APPROXIMATELY 40 MILLION REDUCES THE EFFECTIVE PURCHASE PRICE TO APPROXIMATELY 290 MILLION. HILL-ROMS ACQUISITION OF MORTARA IS EXPECTED TO ACCELERATE HILL-ROMS REVENUE GROWTH AND BE ACCRETIVE TO BOTH GROSS AND OPERATING MARGINS. EXCLUDING SPECIAL ITEMS, THE TRANSACTION IS EXPECTED TO BE MODESTLY ACCRETIVE TO HILL-ROMS FISCAL 2017 ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE. THE COMPANY PLANS TO REALIZE ANNUAL OPERATIONAL SYNERGIES OF AT LEAST 10 MILLION, AND EXPECTS THE TRANSACTION TO SUPPORT ITS MARGIN EXPANSION OBJECTIVES AND DRIVE GREATER ACCRETION TO ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER DILUTED SHARE BEYOND 2017. THE COMPANY WILL UPDATE ITS FISCAL 2017 FINANCIAL GUIDANCE AFTER THE TRANSACTION CLOSES. HILL-ROM INTENDS TO FINANCE THE TRANSACTION THROUGH A COMBINATION OF CASH ON HAND AND BORROWINGS UNDER EXISTING CREDIT FACILITIES. THE TRANSACTION IS EXPECTED TO CLOSE IN HILL-ROMS FISCAL SECOND QUARTER OF 2017. 8:04 AM PIONEER POWER SOLUTIONS SEES FY17 EPS ABOVE SINGLE EST REVS IN LINE WITH SINGLE EST ( PPSI ). Co issues guidance for FY17 (Dec), sees EPS of 0.83-0.91 vs. 0.52 single analyst estimate sees FY17 (Dec) revs of 120-127 MLN VS. 124.80 MLN SINGLE ANALYST ESTIMATE. quotThis outlook represents continued margin expansion and further improvement in profitability, as we continue to benefit from the operational improvements we have made and continue to make. We remain focused on higher margin opportunities, resulting in targeted growth. We see continued strong demand for our solutions, as evidenced by our solid backlog of 39.6 million as of December 31, 2016, up from 28.7 million in backlog at December 31, 2015. In particular, we are expanding our presence in the areas of microgrids, distributed generation, on-site generation service and data center solutions. The continued bottom-line improvements are due to our ability to extRACT OPERATIONAL LEVERAGE FROM OUR BUSINESS, AND WE ARE CONFIDENT WE CAN FURTHER EXPAND PROFITABILITY AND CASH GENERATION AS WE SCALE THE BUSINESS. quot 8:03 am ZIOPHARM amp Intrexon ( XON ) announce cooperative research and development agreement with the National Cancer Institute utilizing sleeping beauty system to generate T cells targeting neoantigens ( ZIOP ) : quotTreating liquid tumors with chimeric antigen receptors has yielded extraordinary results with genetically engineered T cells and the next stage in the evolution of this immunotherapy is the expression of T-cell receptors to target solid tumors, quot said Laurence Cooper, MD, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of ZIOPHARM. quotThrough use of the scalable non-viral Sleeping Beauty platform to express an array of TCRs that recognize neoantigens within each patients tumor, we can customize T-cell therapies and enhance their function through cytokines and switches. quot 8:03 am Immunomedics stockholder venBio responds to recent Board nominees by the co and touts its 4 candidates to the Board ( IMMU ) : venBio Select Advisor, which owns a 9 stake in IMMU and is its largest stockholder, responds to the announcement by Immunomedics of new nominees for the Board of Directors as well as leadership adjustments. quotWe strongly believe that this announcement from Immunomedics is too little, too late, and indicates that they do not understAND THE SEVERITY OF OUR CONCERNS, WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE SHARED BY MANY STOCKHOLDERS. DESPITE THE COMPANYS RECENT ACTIONS, IT HAS NOT ASSEMBLED THE EXPERTISE NEEDED TO OVERSEE ITS MAIN ASSET, IMMU-132, AND THE CRITICAL PERIOD AHEAD FOR IT -- NAMELY THE LICENSING AND PARTNERING PERIOD. WE ARE ALSO STILL CONCERNED ABOUT THE LONG-TERM FUTURE OF THE COMPANY. quotFirm says quotImmunomedics has been mismanaged for years. and the Companys announced plan today is simply an example of more of the same mismanagement. While we welcome the long-overdue announcement that the Company will begin a search for a new CEO, we believe it is imperative that this search and succession be led by a well-qualified independent Board. The nominees put forth today by Immunomedics fall short of our slate. quotquotWe believe that investors should exercise their opportunity to voice their frustration at the strategic missteps of the Companys leadershiP BY VOTING ON THE GOLD PROXY CARD WHEN THEY RECEIVE IT. quot 8:03 am Hill-Rom expects Q4 EPS to be at the lower end of previous guidance range of 0.75-0.77, Capital IQ consensus 0.76 Sees revenue of approx 637 mln, Capital IQ consensus 656 mln ( HRC ). Hill-Rom expects adjusted earnings to be at the lower end of its previously-issued guidance of 0.75 to 0.77 per diluted share. Hill-Rom is also reaffirming its 2017 full-year adjusted earnings guidance of 3.74 to 3.82 per diluted share, as provided in its fourth quarter 2016 earnings announcement. For the fiscal first quarter, worldwide revenue of 637 million (Capital IQ consensus 656 mln) declined 4 percent versus the first quarter last yeAR. IN ADDITION TO A DIFFICULT COMPARISON TO THE PRIOR-YEAR PERIOD, FIRST QUARTER REVENUE GROWTH WAS IMPACTED BY THE TIMING OF CERTAIN INTERNATIONAL AND U. S. DISTRIBUTOR ORDERS, AND LOWER REVENUE FROM BUSINESSES THE COMPANY DIVESTED DURING THE MOST RECENT QUARTER OR PLANS TO DIVEST IN 2017. 8:02 AM QUICKLOGIC SEES Q4 REVS AT MID-POINT OF GUIDANCE ( QUIK ). Co sees Q4 revs 2.9 mln (midpoint of guidance range) vs 2.90 mln two analyst estimate. This revenue comprised approximately 1.6 million of new product revenue and 1.3 million of mature product revenue. The Company ended the fourth quarter with a higher than anticipated cash balance of approximately 14.9 million. quotIm very pleased with the strategIC PROGRESS WE MADE DURING THE FOURTH QUARTER AND THE ACCELERATED MOMENTUM WE GATHERED DURING THE 2017 CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW IN LAS VEGAS THIS PAST WEEK. GIVEN THIS PROGRESS AND THE MOMENTUM, I BELIEVE WE ARE ON TRACK TO REALIZE THE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES WEVE PREVIOUSLY OUTLINED FOR 2017.quot 8:01 am Orthofix sees Q4 rev above consensus FY17 rev below consensus, EBITDA margin consistent with FY16 ( OFIX ). Sees Q4 revs 109 mln vs 104.73 mln Capital IQ Consensus these preliminary results represent reported sales growth of 3.7 and constant currency sales growth of 4.2 over the fourth quarter 2015. Sees FY17 rev 407-411 mln vs. 418 mln consensus when normalizing for the negative impact of foreign currency of 4.8 million and a loss of revenue of 5.3 million in 2017 due to planned distribution restructuring in Brazil and Puerto Rico and the wind down of a non-core business, the growth rate is expected to be 1.5 to 2.5. Additionally, the Company expects full year 2017 adjusted EBITDA margins to be generally consistent with 2016 8:00 am Arcadia Biosciences obtains U. S. FDA GRAS status for SONOVA GLA safflower oil ( RKDA ). Co announces that the FDA has accepted its conclusion that its SONOVA GLA safflower oil is quotgenerally recognized as safequot for use in nutritional beverages and medical foods. Arcadia produces GLA safflower nutritional oils with high concentrations of gamma-linolenic acid (:GLA). These oils are marketed by Arcadia under the SONOVA brand and are currently used in nutritional supplement products. 7:59 am On The Wires (:WIRES). CGI (GIB) announced it has won a new three year, 5 million, contract with Englands Environment Agency to design, deliver and run Englands new Future Flood Forecasting System. Flood Forecasting System will make use of the latest scalable cloud computing, enabling the Environment Agency to produce and share flood forecasts and products with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Agrium Inc. (AGU) ANNOUNCED THAT IT SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION OF THE UREA PLANT AT ITS NITROGEN FACILITY IN BORGER, TEXAS, WITHIN THE PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED REVISED TIME LINE AND COST PARAMETERS. COMMISSIONING OF THE NEW 610,000 TONNE UREA FACILITY, OF WHICH 100,000 TONNES OF UREA TONNE EQUIVALENT WILL BE DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID, IS UNDERWAY AND PRODUCTION IS EXPECTED TO COMMENCE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2017.SERA PROGNOSTICS ENTERED INTO A STRATEGIC COLLABORATION WITH LABORATORY CORPORATION OF AMERICA (LH) TO BE THE EXCLUSIVE U. S. DISTRIBUTOR OF SERAS PRETRM TEST. IN ADDITION, LABCORP WILL LEAD SERAS 40 MLN SERIES C FINANCING. PROCEEDS FROM THE SERIES C FINANCING, WHICH INCLUDES EXISTING INVESTORS, ENABLE SERA TO CONTINUE BUILDING CLINICAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT REIMBURSEMENT AND INSURANCE COVERAGE DECISIONS, AS WELL AS EXPAND COMMERCIALIZATION NATIONWIDE FOR THE PRETRM TEST. WINGSTOP (WING) BECAME THE FIRST RESTAURANT BRAND TO OFFER VOICE-ACTIVATED ORDERING WITH MENU ITEM CUSTOMIZATION THROUGH AMAZON (AMZN) ALEXA. 7:58 AM CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL FOLLOW UP: SEES Q4 EPS WELL BELOW CONSENSUS WITH IMPROVEMENT IN DECEMBER SALES AS COMPS EASED ADDS 100 MLN TO BUYBACK ( CMG ) : Sees Q4 EPS 0.50-0.58 vs 0.98 Capital IQ Consensus revs 1.035 bln vs 1.05 bln Capital IQ Consensus comps -4.8 vs. ests near -3.5. Comparable restaurant sALES FOR THE QUARTER DECREASED 4.8, WHICH INCLUDES THE BENEFIT OF 0.5 RELATED TO PREVIOUSLY DEFERRED REVENUE THAT WAS RECOGNIZED IN THE FOURTH QUARTER. COMPARABLE RESTAURANT SALES DECREASED 20.2 IN OCTOBER 2016, DECREASED 1.4 IN NOVEMBER 2016, AND INCREASED 14.7 IN DECEMBER 2016. SALES COMPARISONS ARE LAPPING AN EASIER COMPARE DUE TO LOWER SALES LEVELS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2015. OPERATING MARGIN 13-14. quotDuring the quarter we incurred higher expenses compared to our ORIGINALLY-FORECASTED AMOUNTS IN OTHER OPERATING COSTS, DRIVEN BY INCREASED PROMOTIONAL SPEND AND COSTS RELATED TO TESTING TELEVISION ADVERTISING. OUR MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES DURING THE QUARTER TOTALED 4.7 OF SALES. WE ALSO INCURRED HIGHER FOOD COSTS COMPARED TO OUR ORIGINALLY-FORECASTED AMOUNTS AS A RESULT OF INCREASED MARKET COSTS FOR AVOCADOS. quot This report is also filed to announce that Chipotles Board of Directors has authorized repurchases of Chipotle common stock with a total aggregate purchase price of 100 million, exclusive of commissions. This repurchase is in addition to previously announced repurchase authorizations totaling 2.1 billion. 7:52 am Chipotle Mexican Grill moving lower by 3 on downside guidance Q4 comps -4.8 ( CMG ). Sees Q4 EPS of 0.50-0.58 vs 0.98 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate revs 1.035 bln vs 1.05 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate comps -4.8. 7:48 am Healthways changes name to Tivity Health will begin trading under its new ticker TVTY on January 11 ( HWAY ). 7:32 am Zimmer Biomet sees Q4 sales of approx 2.013 bln, Capital IQ consensus 1.971 bln sees FY16 EPS at upper end of prior guidance ( ZBH ). Expects fourth quarter net sales to be approximately 2.013 billion (Capital IQ consensus 1.971 bln), an increase of 4.1 OVER THE PRIOR YEAR PERIOD. ON AN ADJUSTED, CONSTANT CURRENCY BASIS, REVENUE INCREASED BY 4.4 OVER THE PRIOR YEAR PERIOD, WITH THE RECENTLY ACQUIRED LDR HOLDING CORPORATION CONTRIBUTING APPROXIMATELY 230 BASIS POINTS. PREVIOUSLY, THE COMPANY HAD ESTIMATED FOURTH QUARTER REVENUE GROWTH TO BE IN A RANGE OF 1.0 TO 2.0 ON A SIMILAR BASIS. PRELIMINARY FULL YEAR NET SALES ARE PROJECTED TO BE 7.684 BILLION, AN INCREASE OF 28.1 OVER THE PRIOR YEAR. FY16 REVENUES INCREASED BY 2.3 ON A CONSTANT CURRENCY, ADJUSTED PRO FORMA BASIS, EXCLUDING THE CONTRIBUTION FROM THE LDR TRANSACTION. PREVIOUSLY, THE COMPANY HAD ESTIMATED FULL YEAR REVENUE GROWTH TO BE IN A RANGE OF 1.65 TO 1.90 ON A SIMILAR BASIS. THE COMPANY IS UNABLE TO PROVIDE UPDATED GAAP (REPORTED) GUIDANCE FOR FULL-YEAR 2016 DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE, WITHOUT UNREASONABLE EFFORTS, AS THE COMPANY IS FINALIZING THE ACCOUNTING FOR CERTAIN INTEGRATION-RELATED ITEMS THAT ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE COMPUTATION OF ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE. THE COMPANY NOW EXPECTS FULL YEAR 2016 ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE TO BE TOWARDS THE UPPER END OF THE PREVIOUSLY ESTIMATED RANGE OF 7.90 TO 7.95. 7:31 AM FIRSTSERVICE ACQUIRES PAUL DAVIS NATIONAL TERMS NOT DISCLOSED ( FSV ) : Paul Davis National is a specialized commercial and large loss operation within Paul Davis Restoration. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 7:31 am WNS to acquire Denali Sourcing Services for 40 mln in cash expects to be accretive to fiscaL 2017 EARNINGS ( WNS ) : Denali Sourcing Services is a provider of strategic procurement BPM solutions. The acquisition of Denali Sourcing Services expected to close in Jan 2017. Cash consideration for the transaction is 40.0 mln plus adjustments for cash and working capital. WNS intends to fund the consideration primarily with long-term debt. The acquisition is expected to contribute 3 mln in rev for WNS in the fiscal year ending Mar 31, 2017, and to be accretive to fiscal 2017 earnings. 7:30 am Coupa Software acquires Spend360 International terms not disclosed ( COUP ). Based outside London, Spend360 is an analytics solution that uses deep machine learning and artificial intelligence to structure and cleanse data in a format that finance and procurement can actually use. Coupa expects the capabilities from Spend360 to be made available to select Coupa customers later this year. The acquisition is not expected to have a material impact on Coupas results of operations or financial condition for its fourth quarter or fiscal year ending January 31, 2017. 7:30 am Ascena Retail Group (halted) reports holiday comps down 3.1 lowers Q2, FY17 EPS guidance below consensus ( ASNA ). Reports holiday comps down 3.1 (guided quarter down 4-5)Ann Taylor -8.2, Loft -1.8, Maurices -7.1, Dressbarn -4.6, Lane Bryant -5.1, catherines 1.6Lowers Q2 EPS to (0.11-0.08) from (0.05)-0.00 vs (0.03) CapitaL IQ CONSENSUS. LOWERS FY17 EPS TO 0.37-0.42 FROM 0.60-0.65 VS. 0.58 CONSENSUS. 7:30 AM ON THE WIRES (:WIRES). ENERGY FUELS INC. (UUUU) ANNOUNCED THAT THE U. S. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT HAS ISSUED A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND RECORD OF DECISION (THE quotRODquot) for the Companys 100-owned Sheep Mountain Project located in the Crooks Gap Mining District of central Wyoming. The Sheep Mountain Project is a large-scale, formerly-producing, conventional uranium mine with the potential to become a long-term uranium production center in a higher price environment. The issuance of the EIS, the ROD and the Mine Permit are the last major government approvals required to commence mining at this project, as the Company continues to evaluate options for processing the resources that may be mined at the project, including toll processing at other facilities in the region and the licensing and construction of its own onsite facility. Brown Gibbons Lang amp Company announced the sale of Groot Industries to Waste Connections (WCN). BGLs Environmental amp Industrial Services team served as the financial advisor to Groot in the transaction. The specific terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 7:27 am Visteon in slide presentation sees FY16 amp FY17 guidance in line with estimates ( VC ). Co issues in-line guidance for FY16 (Dec), sees FY16 (Dec) revs of 3.1 bln vs. 3.11 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees adjusted EBITDA of 340-345 mlnCo issues in-line guidance for FY17 (Dec), sees FY17 (Dec) revs of 3.1-3.2 bln vs. 3.18 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees adjusted EBITDA of 355-370 mln 7:21 am European Markets Update: FTSE 0.4, DAX 0.2, CAC UNCH (:SUMRX) : Major European indices trade with slim gains while Spains IBEX (-0.7) underperforms. In Germany, Jorg Meuthen, who is the economist for the right-wing AFD party, said the Eurozone could be split into two separate currency unions-a stronger one clustered around Germany while a weaker one would be clustered around France. Recall that Marine Le Pen, who is expected to be in a tight three-way race for French presidency in April, has voiced support for significant changes to the structure of the eurozone. Economic data was limited: Frances November Industrial Production 2.2 month-over-month (expected 0.6 last -0.1) Swiss December Unemployment Rate held at 3.3, as expected ---Equity Markets--- UKs FTSE is higher by 0.4 with miners showing relative strength. Anglo American, Rio TINTO, BHP BILLITON, ANTOFAGASTA, AND FRESNILLO POSTED GAINS BETWEEN 2.3 AND 6.4. CONSUMER NAMES HAVE ALSO CONTRIBUTED TO THE ADVANCE WITH TESCO, MORRISON SUPERMARKETS, INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS, MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS, NEXT, AND SAINSBURY ADDING BETWEEN 1.8 AND 4.7. HOMEBUILDERS TAYLOR WIMPEY, PERSIMMON, AND BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS ARE UP BETWEEN 1.3 AND 1.8. GERMANYS DAX HAS ADDED 0.2. SIEMENS HAS JUMPED 1.7 IN REACTION TO AN UPGRADE. WHILE EXPORTERS CONTINENTAL AND VOLKSWAGEN HOLD RESPECTIVE GAINS OF 1.8 AND 1.3. FINANCIALS HAVE BEEN WEAK WITH COMMERZBANK AND DEUTSCHE BANK DOWN 2.2 AND 2.7, RESPECTIVELY. FRANCES CAC SITS JUST ABOVE ITS FLAT LINE, LOOKING TO AVOID ITS SECOND CONSECUTIVE DECLINE. RECENT STRENGTH IN COMMODITY PRICES HAS SENT ARCELORMITTAL TO THE TOP OF THE DAYS LEADERBOARD WITH A GAIN OF 2.5. AUTOMAKERS RENAULT AND PEUGEOT ARE UP 2.3 AND 0.6, RESPECTIVELY, WHILE FINANCIALS ARE MIXED. SOCIETE GENERALE HAS ADDED 0.7 WHILE CREDIT AGRICOLE AND BNP PARIBAS ARE BOTH DOWN NEAR 0.2. COUNTERCYCLICAL NAMES LIKE ORANGE AND VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT LAG, DOWN 1.4 AND 2.4, RESPECTIVELY. SPAINS IBEX TRADES LOWER BY 0.7 AMID WEAKNESS IN FINANCIALS. BANCO POPULAR, BBVA, BANKIA, BANCO SABADELL, AND CAIXABANK ARE DOWN BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.8. 7:21 AM DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA AG REPORTS DECEMBER TRAFFIC DATA ( DLAKY ). Co reported total December passengers of 7.79 mln, up 5.9 YoY. Available seat kilometers 20.931 mln, up 5.4 YoY. Cargo Load Factor of 70.3 vs 66.6 last year. 7:18 am Nabors Industries prices 500 mln private offering of its 0.75 exchangeable senior unsecured notes due 2024 ( NBR ). The net proceeds from the offering will be used to prepay the remaining balance of NIIs unsecured term loan, which matures in 2020, as well as to pay the cost of the capped call transaction entered into with respect to Nabors common shares. Any remaining net proceeds from the offering will be used for general corporate purPOSES, INCLUDING TO REPURCHASE OR REPAY OTHER INDEBTEDNESS. THE NOTES WILL BEAR INTEREST AT A RATE OF 0.75YEAR UNTIL MATURITY, PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY IN ARREARS ON JAN 15 AND JULY 15 OF EACH YEAR, BEGINNING ON JULY 15, 2017. THE NOTES WILL BE EXCHANGEABLE, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, AT AN INITIAL EXCHANGE RATE OF 39.7488 COMMON SHARES OF NABORS PER 1,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOTES, SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT, WHICH REPRESENTS AN 40.0 EXCHANGE PREMIUM OVER THE LAST REPORTED SALE PRICE OF 17.97 PER COMMON SHARE OF NABORS ON THE NYSE ON JAN 9, 2017. NABORS AND NII ENTERED INTO PRIVATELY NEGOTIATED CAPPED CALL TRANSACTIONS WITH ONE OR MORE OF THE INITIAL PURCHASERS ANDOR THEIR AFFILIATES. THE CAPPED CALL TRANSACTIONS COVER THE NUMBER OF NABORS COMMON SHARES THAT WILL INITIALLY UNDERLIE THE NOTES. THE CAPPED CALL TRANSACTIONS ARE EXPECTED TO REDUCE POTENTIAL DILUTION TO NABORS COMMON SHARES ANDOR OFFSET POTENTIAL CASH PAYMENTS NABORS IS REQUIRED TO MAKE IN EXCESS OF THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT UPON ANY EXCHANGE OF NOTES. SUCH REDUCTION ANDOR OFFSET IS SUBJECT TO A CAP REPRESENTING A PRICE PER SHARE OF 31.4475, AN 75.0 PREMIUM OVER THE LAST REPORTED SALE PRICE OF 17.97COMMON SHARE OF NABORS ON THE NYSE ON JAN 9, 2017. 7:09 AM NEXSTAR EXTENDS THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT OF CFO THOMAS E. CARTER THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021 EXTENSION SUPERSEDES CARTERS PRIOR EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WHICH WAS TO CONCLUDE IN AUGUST 2018 ( NXST ). 7:02 am Pluristem Therapeutics announced that its Phase III study of its PLX-PAD cells in the treatment of critical limb ischemia was cleared by the FDA expects to begin enrolling patients in its Phase III study in both the U. S. and Europe during 1H17 ( PSTI ). 7:02 am Evolving Systems (thinly-traded) announces that one of the market-leading wireless carriers in Southeast Asia has selected its Acquisition and Activation Managed Service to support its base of 60 mln subscribers ( EVOL ). 7:02 AM ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC REPORTS PRELIMINARY Q3 ORDERS ARE EXPECTED TO BE 42-44 MLN ( ESIO ) : In conjunction with todays presentation at the Needham Growth Conference. the company is announcing that preliminary orders for its 3Q17 are expected to be 42-44 mln. Cash and investments at the end of the quarter are expected to be 54-55 million. The company also announced that on January 9, 2017, it closed a 14 million ten-year term loan with First TecHNOLOGY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IN BEAVERTON, OREGON. 7:02 AM PIXELWORKS SEES Q4 REVS AT HIGH END OF GUIDANCE, EXPECTS TO REPORT GAAP PROFITABILITY ( PXLW ). Co sees Q4 revs of approximately 16 mln (Guidance was for 15-16 mln) vs 15.49 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. The Company also expects to report a profit for the fourth quarter on a fully diluted GAAP basis, compared to previous guidance of a loss of 0.06 per share to breakeven. Additionally, the Company generated cash from operations IN THE FOURTH QUARTER AND ANTICIPATES A QUARTER-END CASH BALANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 19.6 MILLION, NET OF ANY BORROWING, WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY 3 MILLION GREATER THAN AT THE END OF THE THIRD QUARTER. 7:02 AM GILDAN ACTIVEWEAR HAS EMERGED AS THE WINNER IN THE COURT SUPERVISED AUCTION TO ACQUIRE THE AMERICAN APPAREL BRAND AND CERTAIN ASSETS FROM AMERICAN APPAREL, LLC (:APPCQ) FOR 88 MLN IN CASH ( GIL ). The transaction is subject to Bankruptcy Court approval on January 12, 2017 and Gildan anticipates completing the acquisition by early February. The Company will provide details on the projected financial contribution of the acquisition on the Companys earnings in February, when it reports its full year 2016 earnings results and initiates guidance for 2017. 7:01 am xG Technology regains full compliance with all listing requirements of the Nasdaq ( XGTI ). 7:01 am NeuroMetrix reports Q4 demand for its Quell Technology, invoiced value of shipments totaled approximately 3.5 mln (19 QQ) ( NURO ). The Quell invoiced value in Q4 2016 reflects shipments of approximately 14,300 devices and 20,000 reorder electrodes, a growth rate of 18 in devices and 39 in electrodes from Q3 2016. To date, the Company has shipped nearly 60,000 devices. 7:01 am Abbott Labs announces CE mark for its Alinity S blood and plasma screening system ( ABT ) : The Alinity s System will help transform the blood and plasma screening process in terms of speed, capacity and quotwalk-awayquot time (i. e. when lab professionals are free to manage other responsibilities while the instrument processes samples without direct interaction) as a result of a number of new features: Expands capacity to run up to 600 tests per hour, at least twice as much as competitive standalone instruments. Improves centers ability to track all activities and actions associated with the testing and processing of each donation in accordance with relevant legislation and requirements. Increases walk-away time to a minimum of three hours. Gives laboratory professionals the ability to continuously load and unload samples and supplies without pausing or stopping the system. Features an intuitive software interface, menu design and sample loading layout, shared with other Alinity instruments, making it easy for lab technicians to learn and use. 7:01 am NovoCure reports prelim Q4 results 1,091 active patients at Dec. 31, 2016, an increase of 80 YY ( NVCR ). There were 1,091 active patients on Optune therapy on Dec. 31, 2016, an increaSE OF 80 PERCENT VERSUS DEC. 31, 2015. OF THE ACTIVE PATIENTS, 835 WERE IN THE U. S. AND 256 WERE IN NOVOCURES EMEA MARKETS. 706 PRESCRIPTIONS WERE RECEIVED IN THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2016, AN INCREASE OF 27 PERCENT VERSUS THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2015. 544 OF THE PRESCRIPTIONS WERE RECEIVED IN THE U. S. AND 162 WERE RECEIVED OUTSIDE OF THE U. S. PRIMARILY IN EUROPE. quotThe fourth quarter of 2016 was the eighth consecutive quarter of active patient growth for Novocure since the presentation of our successful EF-14 phase 3 pivotal trial data in newly diagnosed glioblastoma (:GBM),quot said Asaf Danziger, Novocures Chief Executive Officer. quotAs of Dec. 31, 2016, we had nearly 1,100 active patients on treatment, including 256 patients in EMEA, reflecting the increasing importance of our non-U. S. markets. quot quotThe fourth quarter of 2016 was also marked by significant clinical milestones. A long-term analysis of the EF-14 data, presented at the 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology in November, demonstrated a 70 percent improvement in survival rate at four years for patients treated with Optune together with temozolomide compared to patients treated with temozolomide alone. During our RampD day, we also shared topline results from phase 2 pilot studies in advanced pancreatic cancer, recurrent ovarian cancer and mesothelioma, suggesting that Tumor Treating Fields, when added to standard of care treatments, may improve patient outcomes. quot 7:00 am Investment Tech reports December 2016 trading volume waS 3.1 BLN SHARES, -6 YY, AND ADV WAS 150 MLN SHARES, -6 YY ( ITG ) : There were 21 trading days in both December 2016 and November 2016 and 22 trading days in December 2015. 6:59 am On The Wires (:WIRES). BioLife Solutions (BLFS) announced that it has reached an agreement to extend the maturity date and repayment schedule of its outstanding 4 million credit facility. Denison Mines Corp. (DNN) announced that it has executed an agreement with the partners of the Wheeler River Joint Venture that will result in an increase in Denisons ownership of the Wheeler River project to up to approximately 66 (currently 60) by the end of 2018. The Wheeler River property is a joint venture between Denison (60 ownership and operator), Cameco Corp. (30 ownership), and JCU Canada Exploration (10 ownership). Under the terms of the Agreement, the JV Parties have agreed to allow for a one-time election by Cameco to fund 50 of its ordinary share of joint venture expenses in 2017 and 2018. Transenterix (TRXC) says it is on track to file the 510(k) for the Senhance System in early 2017 and expects to receive clearance in late 2017.Richmont Mines (RIC) announced that it will transfer the listing of its common shares from NYSE MKT to the New York Stock Exchange (:NYSE). 6:56 am Endeavour Silver reports 2016 production of 5.4 mln oz silver and 57,375 oz gold, slightly above guidance on gold and slightly below guidance on silver ( EXK ). Silver equivalent production totalled 9.7 million oz at a 75:1 silver: gold ratio, in line with guidance. Silver production in 4Q16 was 1,088,845 oz and gold production was 44,402 oz, for silver equivalent production of 1.9 million oz. Co expects to release updated reserve and resource estimates and 2017 production and cost guidance within the next two weeks. 6:55 am Asian Markets Close: Nikkei -0.8, Hang Seng 0.8, Shanghai -0.3 (:SUMRX) : Equity indices in the Asia-Pacific region ended Tuesday on a mostly lower note. The yen advanced against the dollar in overnight action, but that move has been retraced entirely. In China, December PPI (5.5 year-over-year expected 4.5) climbed to a five-year high while inflation on the consumer level (2.1 year-over-year expected 2.3) was cooler than expected. The National Development and Reform Commission said that uncertainty will be on the rise in 2017, but the government will continue keeping tabs on economic performance. In economic data: Chinas December PPI 5.5 year-over-year (consensus 4.5 last 3.3). December CPI 0.2 month-over-month (expected 0.3 last 0.1) 2.1 YEAR-OVER-YEAR (CONSENSUS 2.3 PREVIOUS 2.3) JAPANS DECEMBER HOUSEHOLD CONFIDENCE 43.1 (EXPECTED 41.3 LAST 40.9) AUSTRALIAS NOVEMBER RETAIL SALES 0.2 MONTH-OVER-MONTH (EXPECTED 0.4 LAST 0.5) ---EQUITY MARKETS--- JAPANS NIKKEI LOST 0.8 AFTER BEING CLOSED ON MONDAY. FAST RETAILING, OKI ELECTRIC, DAI-ICHI LIFE INSURANCE, KONAMI, ISUZU MOTORS, HINO MOTORS, CREDIT SAISON, AND NGK INSULATORS LOST BETWEEN 1.8 AND 2.6. ON THE UPSIDE, SONY, TOKYO ELECTRON, AND DENTSU POSTED GAINS BETWEEN 1.2 AND 2.4. HONG KONGS HANG SENG CLIMBED 0.8 WITH SUPPORT FROM MOST COMPONENTS. PROPERTY NAMES LIKE SINO LAND, NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT, HENDERSON LAND, CHEUNG KONG PROPERTY HOLDINGS, AND CHINA RESOURCES LAND ADVANCED BETWEEN 1.0 AND 1.9. TELECOM NAMES LAGGED WITH CHINA UNICOM HONG KONG FALLING 2.3 AND CHINA MOBILE SHEDDING 0.3. CHINAS SHANGHAI COMPOSITE SLIPPED 0.3. GITI TIRE, SHANGHAI MATERIAL TRADING, GREATTOWN HOLDINGS, AND SHANGHAI DIESEL ENGINE FELL BETWEEN 4.4 AND 5.8. INDIAS SENSEX ADVANCED 0.7 WITH GROWTH-SENSITIVE NAMES LEADING THE RALLY. ADANI PORTS, TATA MOTORS, TATA STEEL, AND ASIAN PAINTS ADDED BETWEEN 1.5 AND 3.3. FINANCIALS WERE MOSTLY HIGHER WITH HDFC BANK, ICIC BANK, AND SBI RISING BETWEEN 0.3 AND 1.5 WHILE AXIS BANK LOST 1.2. ---FX--- USDJPY UNCH AT 115.95 USDCNY -0.2 TO 6.9226USDINR UNCH AT 68.173 6:50 AM VISTEON ANNOUNCES A NEW 400 MLN SHARE REPURCHASE AUTHORIZATION ( VC ). 6:45 AM EXPRESS SEES Q4 COMPS BELOW GUIDANCE REAFFIRMS EPS ( EXPR ). Co sees Q4 comps down 13 vs. negative low double digit guidance reaffirms Q4 EPS 0.26-0.30 vs 0.29 Capital IQ Consensus. quotBased on our holiday results, we are reaffirming our fourth quarter and full year EPS guidance. Our store performance continues to be impacted by challenging mall traffic trends and a more promotional retail environment. However, we remain pleased with our e-commerce sales performance, which continues to trend positively year-over-year. quot 6:45 AM TELEFLEX ANNOUNCES ITS ARROW VPS RHYTHM DEVICE WITH OPTIONAL TIPTRACKER TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN ISSUED 510(K) CLEARANCE TO COMMERCIALIZE THE DEVICE IN THE US ( TFX ). 6:41 am West Marine in slide presentation sees FY16 revs in line with consensus ( WMAR ). Co issues in-line guidance for FY16 (Dec), sees FY16 (Dec) revs of down 1 to flat to 697-710 mln vs. 703.45 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees comps flat to 1 6:36 am Prestige Brands repeats FY17 EPS and revenue guidance in slide presentation ( PBH ). Co repeats guidANCE FOR FY17 (MAR), SEES EPS OF 2.30-2.36 VS. 2.34 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES FY17 (MAR) REVS OF 4.5-6.0 TO 842.5-854.4 MLN VS. 844.06 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE CO SEES ADJUSTED CASH FLOW GUIDANCE OF 190 MLN OR MORE. 6:31 AM SOUTHWEST AIR REPORTS DEC TRAFFIC RAISES Q4 UNIT REV GUIDANCE ( LUV ). ASMs increased 4.8 TO 12.6 BLN IN DEC 2016, COMPARED WITH DEC 2015 ASMS OF 12.1 BLN. THE DEC 2016 LOAD FACTOR WAS 82.6, COMPARED WITH 83.0 PERCENT IN DEC 2015. BASED ON THESE RESULTS AND AN IMPROVEMENT IN CLOSE-IN YIELDS, THE CO NOW ESTIMATES ITS FOURTH QUARTER 2016 OPERATING REV PER ASM WILL DECLINE IN THE 3.0 TO 4.0 RANGE (PRIOR 4-5), AS COMPARED WITH FOURTH QUARTER 2015. THE COMPANY FLEW 10.4 BILLION REVENUE PASSENGER MILES IN DEC 2016, AN INCREASE OF 4.2 PERCENT FROM THE 10.0 BILLION RPMS FLOWN IN DEC 2015. 6:22 AM STRONGBRIDGE BIOPHARMA JANUARY PRESENTATION SLIDES ( SBBP ). Launch of Keveyis expected in April 2017. Keveyisis the first and only FDA-approved therapy indicated for the treatment of:Primary hyperkalemic periodic paralysisPrimary hypokalemic periodic paralysisRelated variantsCOR-003 SONICS trial expected to be fully enrOLLED BY END OF Q2 2017. REPORTING OF TOP-LINE DATA ANTICIPATED IN Q1 2018. INITIATION OF A SECOND PHASE 3 CLINICAL TRIAL (:LOGICS) FOR COR-003 WITH EXPECTED REPORTING OF TOP-LINE DATA IN 2018. REVENUE GENERATING STARTING IN Q2 2017 6:11 AM HEALTHEQUITY REPEATS FY17 EPS AND REVENUE GUIDANCE IN SLIDE PRESENTATION ( HQY ). Co repeats guidance for FY17 (Jan), sees EPS of 0.38-0.42 may not compare to 0.51 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees FY17 (Jan) revs of 174-178 mln vs. 177.31 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees adjusted EBITDA of 59-62 mln co reported 671 network partners. 6:06 am Kona Grill sees Q4 revs below consensus Q4 comps -4.1 ( KONA ). Co issues downside guidance for Q4 (Dec), sees Q4 (Dec) revs of 43.6 mln vs. 45.72 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. Same-store sales decreased 4.1 compared to an increase of 3.2 in the fourth quarter of 2015. quotSimilar to many of our restaurant peers, same-store sales for THE FOURTH QUARTER WERE WEAKER THAN WE HAD ANTICIPATED AS WE TOO DID NOT EXPERIENCE A POST-ELECTION DAY SALES BOUNCE. WEAK RETAIL TRAFFIC, INCLEMENT WEATHER AND AN INFLUX OF NEW COMPETITION AS WELL AS CONTINUED WEAKNESS IN OIL-IMPACTED MARKETS CONTRIBUTED TO THE SOFT SALES. IN ADDITION, WE CYCLED OVER OUR MOST DIFFICULT QUARTERLY COMPARISON OF 2016 WHICH MADE ACHIEVING POSITIVE SAME-STORE SALES EVEN MORE CHALLENGING. quot 6:04 am Del FriSCOS RESTAURANT OFFERS PRELIM Q4 RESULTS AHEAD OF PRESENTATION AT 19TH ANNUAL ICR CONFERENCE ( DFRG ). Co sees Q4 revs 119-119.2 mln vs 117.45 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE, COMPS 0.8 quotWe are pleased that all three concepts posted positive comparable restaurant sales for the quarter with positive traffic at both Del Friscos Grille and Sullivans Steakhouse despite a negative drag to total comparable sales of 1.1 due to restaurants in oil challenged markets. In 2017 we will have several initiatives underway to enhance our understanding of our consumer, drive top-line growth and improve flow-thru at our existing restaurants while limiting development. We firmly believe this approach will pay long-term dividends for the benefit of all shareholders and enable us to ramp up growth in 2018 and beyond with improved returns on invested capital. quotquotFor fiscal year 2017, we will be opening three restaurants includING A DEL FRISCOS DOUBLE EAGLE STEAK HOUSE IN PLANO, TX AND DEL FRISCOS GRILLES IN DOWNTOWN NEW YORK CITY AND WESTWOOD, MA. quot 6:02 am Valeant Pharma announces positive results from a second confirmatory pivotal Phase 3 study to assess the safety and efficacy of IDP-118 lotion in the treatment of plaque psoriasis ( VRX ). Within the Phase 3 study of 203 adult subjects with moderate to severe psoriasis, IDP-118 showed statistical significance (p lt 0.001) to vehicle with a treatment success rate at 8 weeks of 35.76 to 6.98. The primary endpoint of the 12-week study (8 weeks of treatment followed by 4 weeks of follow-up) was achievement of a quotclearquot to quotalmost clearquot score and at least a 2 grade improVEMENT BASED ON AN INVESTIGATOR GLOBAL ASSESSMENT ( IGA ) at 8 weeks, and clear to almost clear and at least 2 grade improvement in the IGA at weeks 12, 6, 4 and 2 as secondary endpoints. 5:57 am SampP futures vs fair value: 1.80. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: 3.60. 5:57 am European Markets. FTSE. 7259.97. 22.20. 0.30. DAX. 11589.26. 25.30. 0.20. 5:57 am Asian Markets. Nikkei. 19301. -152.90. -0.80. Hang Seng. 22745. 186.20. 0.80. 5:50 am NanoString Technologies receives positive assessment for NanoStrings Prosigna Blue Cross Blue Shield Association ( NSTG ) : Co announced that the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Evidence Street has issued a positive assessment of the Prosigna Breast Cancer Gene Signature Assay. Evidence Street pioneered the development of scientific criteria for assessing medical technologies through comprehensive reviews of clinical evidence. The positive Evidence Street assessment is in line with updated ASCO guidelines released in February 2016. The ASCO guidelines recommend the use of the Prosigna Breast Cancer assay to guide decisions on adjuvant systemic therapy for women with early-stage invasive breast cancer with known hormone receptor and HER2 status. 5:47 am General Moly CFO to depart in May ( GMO ) : Co announced that effective May 12, 2017 Lee Shumway, Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer, will depart from the Company. Shumway informed the Company last week that effective July 1, 2017 he quothas accepted the call from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to serve as one of the Churchs international mission presidents. quotThrough mid-May, Shumway will continue with the Company in his current roles. 5:46 am Veolia Environnement awarded two platform decommissioning contracts for recycling ( VEOEY ). Veolia and its partner Peterson have been awarded two platform decommissioning contracts for recycling at their facility in Great Yarmouth, England. With an aim of reaching 96 recycling rates the work to recycle materials and assets is expected to begin in spring 2017 when the platforms arrive onshore. 5:43 am On The Wires (:WIRES). The Chemours Company (CC) announced it has entered into an agreement to sell The DuPont Building to The BucciniPollin Group, a privately held, full-service real estate acquisition, development, and management company. Shutterstock (SSTK) announced that it has expanded its milestone multi-year deal with The Associated Press. Beginning this week, Shutterstock will distribute APs daily global photo output for license to customers based in the United Kingdom. Shutterstocks enterprise customers in the United Kingdom will have access to over 30 million photos from AP Images. FTI Consulting (FCN) announced the appointment of Romain Bgramian as a Senior Managing Director in the Corporate Finance amp Restructuring segment in Paris. Amazon (AMZN) and Xilam Animation announced a multi-year content deal that makes Amazon Prime Video India the exclusive subscription streaming home of all four existiNG AND THREE UPCOMING SEASONS OF THE IMMENSELY POPULAR ANIMATED SERIES OGGY amp THE COCKROACHES AND ZIG amp SHARKO. CLEARINK DISPLAYS TODAY ANNOUNCED THAT THEY SIGNED A COMPREHENSIVE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH MERCK KGAA (MKGAY) FOCUSED ON BRINGING CLEARINKS INNOVATIVE, PATENTED, REFLECTIVE DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY TO MARKET BY THE END OF 2017. FUJITSU LABORATORIES (FJTSY) HAS ANNOUNCED DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLDS FIRST SLIDE-STYLE PALM VEIN AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY. THIS TECHNOLOGY IS COMPACT ENOUGH TO BE EQUIPPED TO FUTURE TABLETS AND OTHER HANDHELD MOBILE DEVICES. AON PLC (AON) HAS LAUNCHED BREXIT NAVIGATOR, A BESPOKE AND PROPRIETARY THREE STEP SOLUTION DESIGNED TO HELP ORGANISATIONS QUANTIFY THE IMPACT OF BREXIT RISK EXPOSURES, AND REDESIGN RISK MANAGEMENT AND RISK FINANCING STRUCTURES. BREXIT NAVIGATOR IS SUPPORTED BY AN INTERACTIVE TOOL THAT PRESENTS SCENARIO-BASED INSIGHTS FOR EACH OF THE EU FOUR FREEDOMS: GOODS, CAPITAL, SERVICES AND PEOPLE, WHICH HELP ASSESS THE IMPACT OF BREXIT. SONY (SNE) PICTURES TELEVISION NETWORKS, ASIA ANNOUNCED A MULTI-YEAR AGREEMENT WITH FREMANTLEMEDIA INTERNATIONAL AND SYCO ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE RIGHTS TO ASIAS GOT TALENT, THE RECORD-BREAKING SERIES THAT PREMIERED FIRST ON SONYS AXN CHANNEL IN 2015. THE AGREEMENT FORMS PART OF SPT NETWORKS LONG TERM STRATEGY TO FURTHER BUILD ON ITS PIPELINE OF SUCCESSFUL ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS. CHINA DIGITAL TV HOLDING CO (STV) ANNOUNCED THAT BEIJING CYBER CLOUD TECHNOLOGY CO, A SUBSIDIARY OF CHINA DIGITAL TV, ENTERED A CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT WITH SHOUTAI JINXIN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, A FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY IN CHINA, PURSUANT TO WHICH SHOUTAI JINXIN WILL INVEST RMB33.0 MILLION IN CASH INTO CYBER CLOUD. 5:37 AM NANOSTRING TECHNOLOGIES SEES Q4 REVS BELOW CONSENSUS ( NSTG ). Co issues downside guidance FOR Q4 (DEC), SEES Q4 (DEC) REVS OF 24.2-25.7 MLN VS. 29.00 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. AS SUCH, CO ISSUES downside guidance for FY16 (Dec), SEES FY16 (DEC) REVS OF 85.5-87.0 MLN VS. 90.48 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE VERSUS PRIOR GUIDANCE OF 89.0-93.0 MLNOPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS: 140 NCOUNTER ANALYSIS SYSTEMS SOLD IN 2016, INCLUDING 60 NCOUNTER SPRINT PROFILERS INSTALLED BASE OF 480 NCOUNTER ANALYSIS SYSTEMS AT DECEMBER 31, 2016 MORE THAN 1,450 CUMULATIVE PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS OF STUDIES BASED ON NCOUNTER TECHNOLOGY AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2016 5:28 AM TAIWAN SEMI REPORTS DEC REVS OF NT78.1 BLN, UP 33.9 YOY REPORTS FY16 REVS ABOVE CONSENSUS ( TSM ). Co issues upside guidance for FY16 (Dec), sees FY16 (Dec) revs of NT947.9 bln vs. NT943.29 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. 5:22 am Hecla Mining FY16 production silver 48 YoY Gold 24 YoY ( HL ) : Co reports preliminary silver and gold production results for the fourth quarter and full year 2016 that exceeded the Companys expectations. 2016 HIGHLIGHTS (compared to 2015) Silver production of 17.2 million ounces, a 48 increase. Gold production of 233,929 ounces, a 24 increase. Silver equivalent production of 46.1 million ounces, or gold equivalent production of more than 631,000 ounces, a 23 increase.2Lead production increased 6 and zinc production decreased 2. Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments of approximately 198 million at December 31, 2016, an increase of about 43 million for the year. 4:43 am Royal Bank of Canada issues GBP500 mln of 1.125 Covered Bonds due 2021 ( RY ). 4:18 am Kite Pharma and Fosun Pharma establish JV in China to develop and commercialize autologous T-Cell Therapies Kite to Receive upfront payment of 40 mln ( KITE ) : Kite Pharma ( KITE ) and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical announced a JOINT VENTURE, FOSUN PHARMA KITE BIOTECHNOLOGY CO, TO DEVELOP, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCIALIZE AXICABTAGENE CILOLEUCEL IN CHINA WITH THE OPTION TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS, INCLUDING TWO T CELL RECEPTOR PRODUCT CANDIDATES FROM KITE. AXICABTAGENE CILOLEUCEL, KITES LEAD PRODUCT CANDIDATE, IS AN INVESTIGATIONAL CHIMERIC ANTIGEN RECEPTOR T-CELL THERAPY UNDER DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF B-CELL LYMPHOMAS AND LEUKEMIAS. THE JOINT VENTURE WILL BE REGISTERED IN SHANGHAI AND OWNED EQUALLY BETWEEN KITE PHARMA, A PIONEER IN THE FIELD OF ENGINEERED T-CELL THERAPY FOR CANCER, AND FOSUN PHARMA, A LEADING HEALTHCARE GROUP IN CHINA. UNDER THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT, FOSUN PHARMA WILL PROVIDE THE RMB EQUIVALENT OF 20 MILLION IN FUNDING TO SUPPORT CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES AND KITE WILL PROVIDE CERTAIN TECHNICAL TRANSFER SERVICES TO THE JOINT VENTURE. EACH PARTY WILL SHARE IN ANY PROFITS FROM THE JOINT VENTURE WITH KITE PHARMA RECEIVING 40 PERCENT AND FOSUN PHARMA RECEIVING 60 PERCENT. KITE WILL ALSO RECEIVE AN UPFRONT FEE OF 40 MILLION FROM THE JOINT VENTURE, FUNDED BY FOSUN PHARMA, REGULATORY AND COMMERCIAL MILESTONES TOTALING 35 MILLION AND MID-SINGLE DIGIT SALES ROYALTIES FOR AXICABTAGENE CILOLEUCEL. THE JOINT VENTURE WILL INITIALLY FOCUS ON AXICABTAGENE CILOLEUCEL, KITES LEAD CAR PRODUCT CANDIDATE FOR THE TREATMENT OF B-CELL LYMPHOMAS AND LEUKEMIAS. THE JOINT VENTURE WILL ALSO HAVE THE OPTION TO LICENSE ADDITIONAL PRODUCT CANDIDATES INCLUDING KITE-439, A TCR THERAPY DIRECTED AGAINST THE HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS TYPE 16 E7 ONCOPROTEIN AND KITE-718, A TCR THERAPY DIRECTED AGAINST MAGE A3 AND MAGE A6, ANTIGENS FREQUENTLY FOUND IN SOLID TUMORS INCLUDING BLADDER, ESOPHAGEAL, HEAD AND NECK, LUNG AND OVARIAN CANCERS. OPT-IN AND MILESTONE PAYMENTS FOR KITE-439 AND KITE-718 COULD TOTAL 140 MILLION PLUS PROFIT SHARING AND MID-SINGLE DIGIT SALES ROYALTIES. 4:13 AM VALEANT PHARMA DIVESTS ITS CERAVE, ACNEFREE AND AMBI SKINCARE BRANDS TO LOREAL ( LRLCY ) for 1.3 bln ( VRX ) : Valeant Pharmaceuticals ( VRX ) announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell its CeraVe, AcneFree and AMBI skincare brands to LOral ( LRLCY ) for 1.3 bln in cash. The CeraVe, AcneFree, and AMBI product lines have annualized revenue of of 168 million. The CeraVe brand portfolio offers a range of advanced skincare products, including cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens, healing ointments and a dedicated baby line. Developed with dermatologists, CeraVe is one of the fastest growing skincare brands in the U. S. with average growth over the past two years exceeding 20. The AcneFree brand portfolio offers a full range OTC cleansers and acne treatments in the U. S. introduced to the market in 1966. The AMBI brand portfolio offers a range of skincare products formulated for the needs of multicultural consumers that includes creams, cleansers and moisturizers in the face and body category. Valeant will use the proceeds from the sale to permanently repay term loan debt under its Senior Credit Facility. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2017, subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory approvals. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen amp Katz acted as advisor to Valeant on the transaction. 4:10 am On The Wires (:WIRES). PropTiger and Housing, two of Indias leading online real estate service providers, today announced they will come together to become Indias largest online real estate SERVICES COMPANY. AS PART OF THE TRANSACTION, REA GROUP WILL INVEST 50 MILLION IN THE JOINT ENTITY, WITH AN AFFILIATE OF SOFTBANK GROUP CORP, INVESTING 5 MILLION. NEWS (NWS, NWSA) REMAINS THE LARGEST SHAREHOLDER OF PROPTIGER, AND ALSO OWNS 61.6 OF REA GROUP. REPRESENTATIVES OF REA AND SOFTBANK (SFTBY) WILL JOIN THE BOARD OF THE JOINT ENTITY, WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BE CHAIRED BY A NEWS CORP REPRESENTATIVE. GEMALTO (GTOMY) IS PARTNERING WITH BANMA TECHNOLOGIES CO FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHINAS FIRST INTERNET CAR -- THE ROEWE RX5. BANMA IS A NEW JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN ALIBABA GROUP (BABA) AND SAIC MOTOR CORPORATION. CHINA MOBILE (CHL) AND NUAGE NETWORKS, THE NOKIA (NOK) VENTURE FOCUSED ON SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO BUILD A HIGHLY-RESPONSIVE SOLUTION THAT WILL SCALE TO MEET THE NEEDS OF A MASSIVE DEPLOYMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 2000 PUBLIC CLOUD SERVERS IN THE CITIES OF BEIJING AND GUANGZHOU. SDN SOLUTION WILL INCREASE SPEED OF DEPLOYMENTS BY TEN TIMES, WHILE REDUCING OPERATING EXPENSES BY UP TO 50 HUTCHISON CHINA MEDITECH (HCM) ANNOUNCES THAT IT HAS INITIATED A PHASE I TRIAL OF ITS NOVEL SPLEEN TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITOR, HMPL-523, IN PATIENTS WITH HEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCIES IN CHINA. THE FIRST PATIENT WAS DOSED ON DECEMBER 27, 2016. THIS STUDY COMPLEMENTS THE ONGOING PHASE I TRIAL IN PATIENTS IN AUSTRALIA WITH HEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCIES, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO COMPLETE DOSE-ESCALATION IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2017. BROCADE (BRCD) ANNOUNCED THAT FENG CHIA UNIVERSITY HAS SUCCESSFULLY DEPLOYED A NEW IP NETWORKING SOLUTION TO DELIVER SMART NETWORK ACCESS WITHIN ITS ON-CAMPUS STUDENT ACCOMMODATIONS. THE DECISION TO DEPLOY THE BROCADE SOLUTION REFLECTS THE STRENGTH OF ITS SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING CAPABILITIES, WHICH IS PART OF THE UNIVERSITYS STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR ENABLING NEW NETWORK SERVICES. 4:02 AM HUANENG POWER REPORTS FY16 POWER GENERATION WITHIN CHINA DECLINED BY 2.1 YOY ( HNP ) : Co announced its power generation for the year of 2016. According to the preliminary statistics of the Company, for the fourth quarter of 2016, the Companys total power generation by its power plants within China amounted to 81.097 billion kWh on consolidated basis, representing an increase of 2.02 over the same period last year, and the total electricity sold by the Company amounted to 76.064 billion kWh, representing an increase of 1.57 over the same period last year. For the whole year of 2016, the Companys total POWER GENERATION BY ITS POWER PLANTS WITHIN CHINA AMOUNTED TO 313.690 BILLION KWH ON CONSOLIDATED BASIS, REPRESENTING A DECREASE OF 2.13 OVER THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR, AND THE TOTAL ELECTRICITY SOLD BY THE COMPANY AMOUNTED TO 295.800 BILLION KWH, REPRESENTING A DECREASE OF 2.05 OVER THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. FOR THE WHOLE YEAR OF 2016, THE COMPANYS AVERAGE ON-GRID ELECTRICITY SETTLEMENT PRICE FOR ITS POWER PLANTS WITHIN CHINA AMOUNTED TO RMB396.60 PER MWH, REPRESENTING A DECREASE OF 10.53 OVER THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2016, THE POWER GENERATION OF TUAS POWER LIMITED IN SINGAPORE, WHICH IS WHOLLY-OWNED BY THE COMPANY, ACCOUNTED FOR A MARKET SHARE OF 21.4 IN SINGAPORE, REPRESENTING AN INCREASE OF 0.1 PERCENTAGE POINT COMPARED TO THE SAME PERIOD OF LAST YEAR. FOR THE WHOLE YEAR OF 2016, ITS ACCUMULATED POWER GENERATION ACCOUNTED FOR A MARKET SHARE OF 21.5 IN SINGAPORE, REPRESENTING A DECREASE OF 0.2 PERCENTAGE POINT COMPARED TO THE SAME PERIOD OF LAST YEAR. 3:57 AM WILLIAMS COS PRICES 65 MLN SHARES OF COMMON STOCK AT 29.00 PER SHARE ( WMB ). 3:56 am Valeant Pharma to divest Dendreon for 819.9 mln ( VRX ) : Co announces it divests outstanding equity interests in Dendreon Pharmaceuticals to the Sanpower Group Co, one of the largest privately owned conglomerates in China. Under the terms of the transaction, Valeant will receive cash consideration of 819.9 million at completion. Dendreons first and only commercialized product is Provenge, an autologous cellular immunotherapy for prostate cancer treatment approved by the FDA in April 2010Valeant will use proceeds from the sale of Dendreon to permanently repay term loan debt under its Senior Secured Credit Facility. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2017, subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory approvals. 3:46 am Petrobras Brasileiro prices 4 BLN IN GLOBAL NOTES ( PBR ) : Co prices terms of the following: 2 bln of 6.125 Global Notes due 2022 2 bln of 7.375 Global Notes due 2027 3:25 am Pacific Continental to be acquired by Columbia Banking System ( COLB ) for 27.85 per share expected to be immediately accretive to Columbias earnings per share ( PCBK ) : Columbia Banking System ( COLB ) and Pacific Continental ( PCBK ) jointly announced the signing of a definitive agreement to merge Pacific Continental into Columbia in a transaction valued at 644.1 million, or 27.85 per share based on Columbias January 9, 2017 stock price. The combined company will have 12 billion in assets with over 150 branches throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Pacific Continental shareholders are entitled to receive 0.6430 of a share of Columbia common stock for each share of Pacific Continental stock, subject to certain potential adjustments. Based on Columbias closing stock price as of January 9, 2017, the aggregate merger consideration is valued at 644.1 million, or 27.85 per share, which includes 629.5 million of Columbia stock to be issued to Pacific Continental shareholders and 14.6 million of cash to be issued to the holders of options, stock appreciation rights and restricted stock units. The value of the merger consideration will fluctuate until closing based on the value of Columbias stock and subject to A CAPCOLLAR. AT CLOSING, PACIFIC CONTINENTAL SHAREHOLDERS WILL OWN APPROXIMATELY 20.0 OF THE COMBINED COMPANY. THE ACQUISITION IS EXPECTED TO CLOSE IN MID-2017 AND TO BE IMMEDIATELY ACCRETIVE TO COLUMBIAS EARNINGS PER SHARE WITH 8 AND 10 PROJECTED ACCRETION IN 2018 AND 2019, RESPECTIVELY. THE TANGIBLE BOOK VALUE EARNBACK IS 3:22 AM YAMANA GOLD PROVIDES UPDATE ON LABOUR NEGOTIATIONS IN CHILE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS HAVE BEEN ENTERED ( AUY ) : Co provides an update relating to negotiations with unions at its mines in Chile. As part of the collective bargaining rENEWAL PROCESS, THE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN NEGOTIATIONS WITH UNIONS REPRESENTING WORKERS EMPLOYED AT EL PENON AND MINERA FLORIDA. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS HAVE BEEN ENTERED INTO AT MINERA FLORIDA, AND THE MINE AND PLANT ARE OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IN RELATION TO EL PENON, THE COMPANY HAS SUCCESSFULLY ENTERED INTO A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE UNION REPRESENTING SUPERVISORS AND HAS TABLED A FINAL OFFER TO THE TWO UNIONS REPRESENTING UNDERGROUND WORKERS. THE FINAL OFFER TOOK INTO CONSIDERATION THE CURRENT COMMODITY PRICE ENVIRONMENT AND THE ONGOING EVALUATION OF THE OPTIMAL LONG-TERM PRODUCTION AND COST PROFILE AT EL PENON, ALONG WITH SEVERAL OTHER FACTORS INCLUDING RECENT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING SETTLEMENTS AT OTHER MINES IN COUNTRY INCLUDING AT MINERA FLORIDA AND AT EL PENON WITH THE SUPERVISORS. BOTH UNIONS REPRESENTING UNDERGROUND WORKERS HAVE REJECTED THE COMPANYS FINAL OFFER WITH ONE UNION ON STRIKE AND THE OTHER NOW IN A STRIKE POSITION AND EXPECTED TO STRIKE. THE COMPANY CONTINUES TO WORK WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND LABOUR MINISTRY REPRESENTATIVES TO ENSURE IT PRESERVES ITS LEGAL REMEDIES AND OPTIONS INCLUDING IMPOSING A PARTIAL OR TOTAL LOCKOUT AND WITH UNION REPRESENTATIVES TO DETERMINE ANY REASONABLE RESOLUTION OF THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING PROCESS. 3:20 AM AKERS BIOSCIENCES PRICES 1,667,000 SHARES OF COMMON STOCK AT 1.20 PER SHARE, TOGETHER WITH 833,500 FIVE-YEAR WARRANTS TO PURCHASE COMMON STOCK WITH AN EXERCISE PRICE OF 1.50 ( AKER ). 3:06 am Rent-A-Center CEO resigns Chairman appointed as interim CEO ( RCII ) : Co announced the resignation of Robert D. Davis as Chief Executive Officer and director effective immediately. Board Chairman Mark E. Speese, the Companys founder and former chief executive officer, will serve as interim CEO of the Company until a permanent successor has been named. The Board of Directors announced that it will conduct a search process to find a highly qualified candidate for CEO. 3:05 am Allegiant Travel reports Dec Traffic RPMs rise 10.3 YoY ( ALGT ) : Co reports Total System Passengers rose 15 YoY to 974,319 Revenue passenger miles (000) 888,443 10.3Available seat miles (000) 1,127,454 13.8Load Factor 78.8 (2.5 pts)Departures 7660 21.1 Guidance: January 2017 Scheduled Departures: 20 ASMs: 16

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